Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Year 2012 - A Time to Change

The worlds oldest calendar, known as the Long Count Calendar, was created by a race of American Indians called the Maya. According to their calendar our current planetary cycle began in 3113 BC and will end on 21st December 2012 AD. The Maya were an advanced civilization who dwelt in Mexico during the 7th century and, amongst their other attributes, were keen stargazers, architects, and mathematicians. They possibly used early forms of Numerology and astrology to map the natural rhythm and cycles of life on this planet.

The Maya were given to making uncannily accurate prophecies about key turning points in human history, including their own. As their civilization reached its zenith and then collapsed sacrificial rites replaced art and science. They were invaded and largely slaughtered by Spanish conquistadors during the 16th Century. Furthermore, the Spanish Inquisition destroyed many of the Mayan prophecies, which were recorded in early books named Codices, so little remains of their writings.

The Mayans believed that humanity would reach a stage during the early 21st century when a change of consciousness would become imminent. As a consequence, the worlds population would once again fall into step with the natural pulse of our planet. They stated that this would only occur following a period of serious trials.

Numerology can identify the impact of the change that will occur and help us to understand the challenge that we are facing. In a previous article entitled Numerology and the New Millennium I described some of the major characteristics of this period in our history and a few of the attitudes that we must adopt if we are to preserve humanity. We are presently witnessing examples of excessive greed that are threatening to destabilize the worlds economy and may yet cause a globalWall Street Crash. This is just one of a number of facets that need to change. Relationships are becoming strained as interaction between , people and cultures takes on an increased sensitivity and likelihood of misunderstandings. Rage and frustration are overriding calm rational minds. Materialism has overtaken our lives and no matter how much we rush there is never enough time in the day.

This Millennium now requires a merger between the left and right sides of our brain. The left is the critical, mundane faculty, while the right side represents the psychic and meaningful intellect. We have reached a point in our current evolution where we have allowed the left brain to dominate our outlook to the extent that we see life from a cynical and rather aggressive point of view. This imbalance needs to be redressed. Art or theatrical critics analyze and pick apart creative works in order to suggest improvements, but rarely do they produce their own works of art. Conversely, the artist or playwright possesses the vision and ability to develop a potentially classic work of art but may be too close to their creation to notice any glaring faults. Neither one functions constructively on their own, therefore, an equal partnership is the only way forward. We need to reintroduce the right brain into our thinking and to apply the partnership rule to our lives. We cannot continue to suspect everyone and everything or to rush about without noticing the beauty in the world around us as this will lead to our becoming isolated. We will then miss the quality of meaning in our lives. Stress and a lack of fulfillment will haunt us and we will constantly wonder where the time has fled to. We have to slow down now and to take time to become self-aware so that we can get in touch with our respective artists and craft great works of art for the future.

It is for this reason that, as the Mayans said, a change of consciousness will take place because we cannot continue any further down our present path. The next few years will indicate our future and the new direction that we will all be taking.

Professional Numerologist and Astrologer, Peter Dobrovic offers personal consultations and professionally written reports based on over twenty years experience of practising Numerology. Peter, uses the three systems of Numerology, I Ching and the Chinese Horoscope to provide readings for his hundreds of satisified clients across the UK. You can visit his site at

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