Wednesday, January 28, 2009


When the double helix of ida and pingala are balanced, a pathway is opened for full DNA connection. The ancient rainbow bridge to higher consciousness is called the antakarana. At the base of our spine sits the coiled energy of kundalini which must evertually rise. Legend has it from our myths that this is Jacob’s ladder, the Tree of Life or the Aixs Mundi (world pole). The antakarana or rainbow bridge to higher consciousness takes place with the coming shift during 2012. Jacob sits on a stone which is highly alchemical as it can turn one element into another (Philosophers Stone). The Norman word for “grail” is grael and came to be known to knights as the holy grail; you are that holy grail In many of my previous articles I wrote about the “light body” The crystal light body is built through the antakarana. Once the third eye is opened full awakening is achieved by energy crossing a bridge from the pineal gland to the pituitary. There is also an antakarana rainbow bridge from the throat charka to the head charka via the vagus nerve. Every time kundalini is raised to a higher charka a bridge must be built. One is reminded of Simeon and Garfunkel’s song “Bridge Over Troubled Waters.” How does a light body take us to higher worlds via the antakarana? Light is a function of electromagnetic radiation radiating outward and does not need a medium to travel though Since it contains both electric and magnetic fields it can travel through a vacuum. The fields vibrate at right angles in the direction of the movement of the wave. It also comes in many frequencies with is the number of waves passing over a point in space. Energy in a light wave is proportional to its frequency. The antakarana carries the light frequencies deeper into the body for its awakening; in the brain it is called illumination. The science of the antakarana is concerned with the transfer of consciousness including death. This science exists from the beginning and connects man to his source. Functioning under the Law of One (Monad) the connection of life is directly bridged to the heart. The seat of consciousness is bridged to the heart and the thread of creative activity is connected to the throat charka. It is this science which when reestablished will help science understand the etheric body The science of the atakarana deals with the transduction of energy via the threads through man’s subtle bodies. Many of these threads are electrical lines or “sense telephones” that relay The senses from one plane to the next or on the same plane. When asleep we use our astral senses and on the mental or intuitive planes, the sense telephones thereof. The physical, astral and mental planes are all affected by the senses and it is important what we take in; this is why meditation is so important. The etheric planes are stratified as to the senses: the first atomic plane is smell; the second sub-atomic is taste and the third or super etheric is sight. After numerous initiations into the light in the presence of the elect 144,000 and fully functioning DNA man eventually enters the eighth plane or Christ Consiousness. 888. The eight dimension times the subdivisions equals 64 as in the Chinese hexagrams of the I-Ching. Top scientist of today has discovered that the 64 hexagrams correspond to the 64 DNA codons of the genetic codes of life. The nodal points in Chinese acupuncture can be seen as connected by light threads (antakarana) and are all interconnected. Likewise, Kirlian photography illuminates these 700 points of light on photographs. Terence Mckenna in his Timewave Zero formula groks an end of time on Dec.21, 2012 based on the 64 hexagrams. This singularity exactly dovetails with the end of the Mayan calander. The end of this concrescence merges with the initial point of the Big Bang and then what? This is what infinity looks like an 8 or a lemniscate. We have a rendezvous with infinity. We know that the spiral is a symbol of infinity hence DNA is that rainbow bridge. Think of all the threads of creation as a spider web. A spider Woman is a metaphor for she who creates from a central source. It is she who pulls the web back from whence it came. Similiarly to the Hunab Ku or galactic core spider woman links everything back to the source. What ever affects part of the web affects all. Likewise Hunab Ku is a God of Measure and Movement. These concepts explain the matrix that we are in and which we will evolve out of soon. Is reality nothing more than a dream? I have a chapter in my book, MYSTERIES:Ancient & Modern called “Dreams, the Fabric of the Universe.” Whether we go from the physical to the dream world or from the third dimension to hyperspace we still need a bridge. Interestingly, D.K. or Dwhjal Khul the Tibetan master explains that Libra rules bridges and that the influence of this sign will grow stronger. May we all make it to the other side of a bridge over troubled waters.

@2008 Sai Grafio

About the Author

Sai Grafio is an author, poet, metaphysician and writer. Please go to his site at http:www.astro-mantic-arts-com

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