Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ghost Tours St Augustine, Florida - The Lighthouse

The hauntings of the St. Augustine Lighthouse in Florida are popular stories that bring many visitors to this area on an annual basis. Pictures and videos have captured strange and highly unexplainable orbs, mists, and what appears to be apparitions. The most popular videos were done by the famous TAPS team from Ghost Hunters. In these videos, you can clearly see dark figures moving around in the immense structure, and other strange phenomenon occurring. Here, you will be introduced to the hauntings that are said to occur at the St. Augustine Lighthouse.

In the year of 1821, the United States laid claim on Florida, and actually gained possession of it. Where the lighthouse now stands, a tower once stood. The United States took use of the tower and then decided that it would be most appropriate to build onto it and make it into a larger structure. It was then that they hired an individual by the name of Juan Andreu to be the keeper of the structure. As time progressed, the structure wore down. Then, in the year of 1880 during a high tide, and the need for a new lighthouse emerged.

In the year of 1874, the structure that we see today was completed, immediately following this, in the year of 1876; a small house for the keeper of the structure was constructed and finished. In the early days, oil was used to light the beacon that guided boats, but in the year of 1936, the light finally became electric. By the fifties, there was not a need for a keeper in a standard sense, but once was assigned to the location just to keep an eye on things. This individual and several others have had many haunting tales to speak of when it comes to the haunted lighthouse.

One of the most popular ghosts at the St. Augustine Lighthouse is the little girl who seems to linger from one structure to another in a lacy little dress. It is believed that this is the daughter of one of the light keepers. It is said that when the large lighthouse was being constructed, an accident occurred on a carriage that was used to move supplies. Several little girls drowned in the ocean that day because the carriage fell off in it. Today, it is believed that at least one or perhaps all three little girls haunt the house and grounds of the structure. Many have seen the swings move, heard small children playing and laughing, and some have claimed to have seen physical apparitions.

In the actual light house, it is believed that there is a male and female spirit residing in it. When Ghost Hunters visited EVP's were recorded and a woman's voice appeared to be on the recordings. Then, it is believed that a male spirit swooped in front of one of the windows. If you are interested in experiencing the ghostly hauntings of St. Augustine, it is important that you make a stop at the Lighthouse just outside of the city.

If you would like more tips and advice about St. Augustine Ghost Tours, visit Is the Ghost Tour for you? Find out more.

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