Monday, January 18, 2010

Psychic Blessing Or Burden? The Sixth Sense

Do you remember the movie entitled The Sixth Sense where Bruce Willis played the role of a dead guy without knowing he was even dead? How about the ever popular line imitated and even spoofed by many that goes "I see dead people"? Imagine yourself playing the role of that psychic child who can see and talk with the spirits of those who passed away. If you can remember, in the movie, he was shivering every time it happened, and he was very afraid. But then, they say any psychic ability is a gift. But how about the sixth sense? Now, you could probably ask yourself, is the sixth sense really a psychic gift or a curse?

We all know that every normal person has five senses. These five sense are the sense of sight, the sense of hearing, the sense of smell, the sense of touch and lastly, the sense of taste. But then, there are a very few people who posses a sixth sense. What is this sixth sense?

The sixth sense is a very rare psychic ability. Referred to as ESP or extra sensory perception, it is the psychic talent or skill to transmit and receive information outside the five human senses. The sixth sense often uses what is known as the "third eye". The Third Eye is located between your eyebrows, in the center of your forehead.

The sixth sense is a bit complicated compared to any other psychic gift. This is because the sixth sense is composed of not just one, but five other psychic abilities namely telepathy, psychometry, clairvoyance, retrocognition, and precognition.

At a closer look on these five abilities, Telepathy is the ability to communicate mind to mind, a person can communicate with anyone through his mind with no verbal or written communication needed. While psychometry refers to a unique ability wherein you can learn the history of any person, object, or place, just by touching it. On the other hand, Clairvoyance allows a person to see things regardless of location. The last two gifts are retrocognition, which is the ability to know the past through visions and feelings; while precognition is to knowing the future in the same way.

As you can see, the sixth sense is a psychic ability which is more than just seeing spirits and other paranormal entities. Overall, it is a unique psychic power that allows you to see, communicate, touch, and hear, what other people cannot.

Though we cannot deny that the thought of seeing, talking, and interacting with spirits of those who have passed on does sound scary; if properly used, this psychic gift can foster greater good. Being able to sense what others cannot gives you the extraordinary power to make a difference in this world.

Just like any psychic gift, the sixth sense can be further developed. There are three key steps to unlock the full potential of your special gift. These are: acceptance (accepting your ability as a psychic gift), meditation (to meditate means to free your mind and allow it to delve into higher level of thinking), and positivity (seeing the positive side of your unique psychic gift and using it to foster positive results).

Tana Hoy is renowned for possessing a rare psychic gift - the ability to communicate with the other side! He has been working with over a hundred of spirit guides and guardian angels to give light to others. Visit his website, to know more.

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