Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How to Tell If You're Psychic - 3 Easy Ways to Tell You've Got Psychic Gifts (Don't Ignore!)

Who else thinks they MAY be psychic? If you are anything like I used to be....the awareness that you may be psychic is NOT something that comes in one fell swoop. It comes after you have tons of individual experiences, and the facts start to add up. At a certain point, it simply becomes difficult to ignore that you have SOMETHING special going on in the psychic department.

And to be totally honest with you, after almost 20 years of studying psychic phenomena both personally and professionally, I can tell you without any equivocation that ALL of us are psychic in one form or another. (some of us simply need a little nudge to recognize it...

But are there any tell tale signs you are especially psychic or gifted beyond normal natural abilities?

Absolutely! There are a bunch of pretty common signs, and a few simple "tells" that reflect a level of psychic sensitivity that goes BEYOND the norm. Let's take a quick look at a few of them below.

- You have had a paranormal experience. (or multiple experiences)

Like what? Seeing a "ghost" or apparition is one. Having an out of body experience, or even an near death experience (where you were actually in danger) is a VERY common pre-cursor to strong psychic abilities. Want to know the truth? Even many SKEPTICAL scientists will admit that people who have these sorts of experiences tend to "come back" far more intuitive than when they had the event happen...and many books have been written about people who have left their bodies while temporarily "dead"...and have come back and become psychic. (or at least far more intuitive than they used to be)

- You know things BEFORE they happen. Plain and simple, this is one of the most common stereotypes of psychic skill...but it's TRUE. You know who is calling on the phone before you pick up. You think of a friend you haven't seen in years....and they knock on your door, or call you on the phone. You know people are in danger....or even may pass away, before it happens. This is a SUPER strong piece of evidence that you may be psychic...and if it happens often, you should write your impressions down before they happen!

- You've had a reading...and ANOTHER genuine psychic has "felt" your energy. This is pretty common, as a good psychic can read YOUR intuitive abilities and energy as well, and will often notice if you have similar gifts, or the potential to develop them.

I have had this happen to me on more than one occasion.....where are reader recognizes my interest in psychic phenomena, knows I write about it professionally....and simply "feels" my affinity, and connection to the field is GREATER than your average, or normal client or customer. If you've had a reading where this has's a pretty good indicator that you SHOULD dive deeper in, and explore your OWN gifts as well...

The bottom line?

Learning You are Psychic is truly the MOST fun, liberating and life changing experience you can imagine.

Ready to Explore Your OWN Psychic Skills? Take our Psychic Test with a GENUINE reader who can help you DEVELOP super psychic abilities....from home!

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