Thursday, April 15, 2010

Will the Planets Really Line Up in 2012?

One of the many theories about the phenomenon known as just '2012' is that all the planets of our solar system will line up on December 21'st 2012, which coincidentally is also the end of the current cycle in the mysterious Mayan calendar. Apparently this alignment of the planets will lead to one of two things depending on who you ask. Either the beginning of a new age or the destruction of our world! Since the latter option is rather unpleasant, perhaps we should try to find out if the planets line up in 2012!

Some people believe that when the planets of the solar system lines up, it marks the beginning of a new era. The last time the planets were aligned seem to be around 450 years ago, which amazingly coincide with the period in history known as the 'Age of Enlightenment'. This era produced perhaps more geniuses than any other period of time, dragging humanity out of the dark ages and introducing modern science, astronomy, medicine and liberty. It's safe to say, that had it not been for the Age of Enlightenment thinkers, we would be much worse off. The next planetary alignment should be due really soon, but will the effect be the same? Will the planets line up in 2012 and will it lead to a new golden age for humanity? Astrologers think so. This new era; the Age of Aquarius, will be the pinnacle of human evolution according to them.

A more sinister prediction is that the alignment of the planets will simply lead to the destruction of our world as we know it. The gravitational force of the planets, perhaps in conjunction with Planet X, will lead to the earth's poles shifting from North to South and altering the rotation of the planet, causing earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis. It may even make the oceans so hot, that they begin to boil.

The 2012 predictions are not easy to figure out. What is fact and what is myth? In the book 2012 Contact, I believe the author has managed to include as much information as is available. It also includes a survival guide, which may come in handy. I suggest you check it out! Also see my hub for more info.

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