Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Crystal and Gemstone Amulets - The Timeless Beauty and Power of Nature

Many of us are familiar of the modern-day amulets of the Christian cross, Catholic rosary beads, and the lucky rabbit’s foot to name just a few. However, amulets have been used since ancient times, by both primitive and civilized people to ward off evil, attract love, to heal, and enhance spirituality.

The word “amulet” originates from the old Latin amoletum, meaning ‘means of defense’. Amulets are believed to be endowed with special powers of protection from such evils as ghosts, evil spirits, witchcraft, the evil eye, illness, misfortune, calamities, and any kind of disaster. Amulets that bring good fortune are typically referred to as talismans.

Many societies believe amulets derive power from their connection with natural forces, from religious associations, or from being made in a ritual manner at the time of a favorable planetary influence. Traditionally, amulets are carried or worn, kept in the place which is the desired sphere of influence, or painted on buildings, ships, and landscapes.

Small models of animals or objects, medallions bearing religious pictures or inscriptions, or lockets containing inscriptions or pictures on paper or metal are examples of man-made amulets. The most common amulets are made of natural materials, such as precious stones, crystals, gemstones, metal, teeth, claws of animals, and plants.

In recent years, as the various metaphysical genres became more accepted, the most popular forms of amulets are those made of various crystals and gemstones. There are many gorgeous designs, such as key chains, zipper pulls, necklaces, wands, and pendants. Crystals and gemstones are especially favored because they have symbolism via their colors, astrological correspondences, planetary influences, and chakra representations.

Amethyst is said to protect its wearer against seduction. For thousands of years, amethyst, of the quartz family, has been coveted by princes both ecclesiastical and secular. Moses described it as a symbol of the “Spirit of God in the official robes of the High Priest of the Jews”, and the Russian Empress Catherine the Great sent thousands of miners into the Urals to look for it. It is a popular belief that amethyst offers protection against drunkenness. The Greek word amethystos means 'not intoxicated'. Metaphysically, amethyst is said to raise ones state of consciousness and aids in meditation.

Quartz, malachite, jade, emerald, garnet, ruby, agate, tourmaline, rose quartz, opal, pearl, lapis, sodalite, peridot, goldstone, turquoise, and tiger’s eye are just some of the other popular crystals and gemstones used to create beautiful metaphysical jewelry and amulets. Each are said to embody unique healing and spiritual properties, and all have been highly prized throughout the ages by all civilizations for one reason or another.

No matter if you personally believe in the power of an amulet or not, one can not help but admire the natural timeless beauty and mystery of crystals and gemstones amulets, and wear them proudly with any outfit or on any occasion.

Barbara Eyre is the owner of Moonlight Delights, a website offering information on subjects such as herbs, chakras, and more. Moonlight Delights also features a wide variety of gifts and products to enhance your life, to give as gifts, and to remind us of the natural beauty of nature.

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