Monday, August 30, 2010

Are There Alien Monoliths on Mars and the Moon?

During an interview on C-span, Buzz Aldrin an Apollo 11 astronaut, has stated there are alien monoliths on a moon circling Mars, and one definitely on our own Moon. Why did Buzz Aldrin choose to expose it in 2010?

Several decades after the first known moon landings, a theory grew based on the odd behavior of the Apollo 11 astronauts, after they landed back on Earth. They rarely appeared in public, gave interviews, and in the case of Buzz Aldrin disappeared- except in once a year NASA organized public celebration of the lunar landing.

Buzz Aldrin later materialized in a remote cottage in Britain, a distraught recluse- whilst critics of the official NASA version of the lunar landings began to ask two important questions- Did you really go to the Moon, and if you did what did you really find there?

These questions have been asked thousands of times over the last four decades, and an increasing amount of people are starting to believe that we were not told everything that happened during the time Apollo 11 was on the moon.

In the 1980's the disappearance of NASA's Apollo 11 moon landing files, added further weight to this belief by a growing number of skeptics - who saw this as further proof that NASA were indeed covering something up. A fact that remains open today considering none of these files have ever been found- despite the fact NASA knew who first took the files.

Buzz Aldrin recently discussed the discovery of a monolith on the surface of Mar's moon,and then he surprisingly added that our moon too- also has an ancient structure. Adding further to the theory that the aging Apollo astronauts saw something during the Apollo 11 landing- they could never make public back on earth.

Today, he is a much respected expert on space, and. by exposing the truth that perhaps alien structures do exist in our own universe, he may hope we can jump start a faltering space program again, and discover who built these structures.

In the interview, Buzz Aldrin also stated that first contact could help us not only improve our limited knowledge of the universe, but may help us develop together with the 'aliens" who built these monoliths- a better future. A future which could help Earth, and solve some of todays pressing problems we currently face- which include an emerging energy and water crisis..

The unanswered questions which have dogged the official version of the Apollo 11 mission, may be slowly being answered by Buzz Aldrin. Who could be percieved as indirectly stating an alien structure does exist on the moon, and the Apollo 11 astronauts saw it during their mission..

Did the Apollo 11 astronauts encounter first contact with an alien race? And did they discover this monolith whilst on the moon, and only now are openly discussing something kept secret by NASA for decades? Perhaps a mystery which lays hidden in the missing NASA files, and the aging memories of a few remaining astronauts who landed on the moon.

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