Friday, October 15, 2010

A Look at Plants in Medicine and Witchcraft

Man has always been in awe of nature and her forces. He has received nourishment and also faced destruction too. He has not been able to fathom the power of nature and has bowed down in reverence and worships her.

Man has over the ages learnt to explore the potential of the abundant plant life existing on earth and use it for his benefit. He derives food from the plant life and also depends upon the medicinal plants for cure simple aches, pains to major illnesses and diseases. Plants nourish man and provide him with food, clothing, shelter and complete protection.

Medicinal Plants have been studied, worshipped and given prime importance in every culture. Ancient sites in Iraq dating back by 50,000 years have provided clue to the fact that more than eight different medicinal plants were being cultivated and they were held in high esteem.

Shamanistic medicine, alive and well in traditional societies today, often incorporates the use of hallucinogenic plants which enable the herbal practitioner to reach unseen realms to obtain higher knowledge and guidance.

Many people who practice meditation and spiritual practices coupled with ritualistic worship, use certain types of hallucinogenic plants that when consumed enable them to transcend the consciousness and explore the higher realms and the higher spirits to seek guidance. Shamnistic practices are alive in oriental and traditional cultures even today.

Man has associated different energies with different deities who are responsible for the plant species and prey to them for general welfare. Indian culture has several deities who are responsible for and reside in different types of trees, which are considered auspicious and spiritual. Quite a few cultures believed that plants and trees too are souls but of a lower mode of existence.

Man always holds in reverence the source of nature that provides him with nourishment. Besides he also holds in reverence that part of nature that helps him commune with the creation and enhances his spiritual experiences too. Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree and attained enlightenment. Therefore this tree is worshipped by Buddhists. Cultures where coconuts are a part of the mainstream nourishment and food are also given anthropomorphic names and identities. Coconut that gives us food, oil, rope, clothing fiber and shell is referred to as Mother Coconut while coca plant is referred to as Mama Coca.

If you thought that plants were homes to angels and good spirits, you might be surprised, for plants and various portions of plants like belladonna are used by witches who practiced witchcraft to prepare brew and poisons. Most of the cultures also believe that certain trees and plants are homes to evil spirits and ghosts who are to be appeased so that they do not harm the inhabitants.

Plants are always nourishing in every aspect. It is for man to learn to use the one that is beneficial and avoid the one that is not useful to him. The maturity and intelligence of man will determine how well he uses nature for his benefit.

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