Monday, October 18, 2010

When Is Halloween?

October 31st

Halloween at first was a celebration of the Celtic culture while it was called Samhain (interprets to: Summer's End) moreover has roots back to ancient Scottish tradition All Hallows Eve since the 16th century.

Through the years Halloween almost died out in most Celtic countries, and the images and customs along with it. For instance, the core symbol, craved and hollowed turnip lanterns to stay clear of the bad spirit which were said to cause the early sun sets also the cold conditions after the harvest season.
The Isle of Man up until today still reserved a few customs on Halloween eve which they call Hop Tuu Naa.

This original Celtic tradition Hop Tuu Naa takes place after the harvest welcoming the new year. In our day it's a little of mixture ofnew ritual, however kids dress up into scary costumes with a carved turnip lantern going off house to house performing Gaelic singings and asking for candy, eatable or else cash. This is somewhat similar like to the trick or treat folklore, however Manx Kids were asking and collecting foods before winter time so it wasn't associated with the spells.

When Halloween was brought to America in the 19th century by Irish newcomer, the lantern symbol quickly was replaced by pumpkins as they were more widespread plus it was easier to shape. During the last two century Halloween become mostly known as an originally North American tradition. The occasion received its modern images and rituals from North America since the 19th century. Until then Halloween was linked with the Harvest, scarecrow, pumpkin, corn husks, then when Horror movies become popular (Dracula, Frankenstein) scaring away the evil spirits mass production has started in the form of Halloween celebration so the plethora of spooky characters become wider and wider. Bram Stoker's Dracula has become a particularly popular Halloween character. His novel is based on his research on European folklore and linked to Transylvanian scenes.

Since then Romanians holding the title for the Property of Vampires. Today you can participate in a Halloween festival on Halloween eve in Romania's Sighisoara in Dracula's Castle. Elsewhere in Europe, the recognition of Halloween is rise above by other October end traditions like Martinisingen or All Saints' Day. Nearly all are related to the Fall fest when country persons finished with produce and were being for winter without food and income. Martinisingen is a similar event for example. The farmer's kids were sent to a wealthier home to sing and ask for food donations for wintertime on November 10.

Confused enough about what events take place in the Fall? The principal suggestion for you is to find out existing folklore and festivals in the area and bring your youngsters along to participate even if it's Trick or Treat, Hop Tu Naa, or Martinisingen, it really is fun times for every one.

To discover Halloween festivals and Fall festivals in Europe, has it all. European Halloween Events

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