Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Changes and Shifts

A New Breed of Humans: In our western world we perceive outrageous phenomenon - Tsunami’s, Earth tremors, floods, Cyclones, Drought etc. as something to fear. Whereas the indigenous cultures of the world – Egypt, Bolivia, Nepal, Peru and elsewhere, not only except these changes and shifts, but expect them now.At the present there is a new breed of humans that are being born within this generation, as we move close to the end of a grand cycle the great ones called the Shift of Ages. (Moving from the age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius each age lasting approximately 2,160 years) This new breed of humans was predicted and expected by the ancient and indigenous cultures.

It is only in the Western World that we are surprised, mystified and sometimes fearful of these changes because it is in the West that we have lost the texts.What Happened?Divinely inspired writings of our most sacred heritage were removed seventeen hundred years ago from text that define our history. Three centuries after Jesus lived the Roman Emperor Constantine in 325 AD, put together The First Council of Nicaea, held in Bithynia (in present day Turkey) He then gathered together the historical and religious texts of his time and told the council that, as so many of the writings were of questionable origin, confusing and some so mystical, that they were not understood they should create a condensed version. Twenty-five biblical writings were taken out of our references during that time plus an additional twenty supporting documents, (such as the Secrets of Enoch) were also removed.

We are amazing Human Beings!Without us really knowing who we are where we came from, why we are here or knowing what to expect in the future, we have still managed to evolve. We are truly amazing human beings. The Pieces that were taken out of our references were the ancient sciences of Compassion, Gratitude, and the highly sophisticated technology that we call Prayer plus the role of Emotion and Feeling in our bodies. Those were the writings that were removed and are the pieces that will now complete the wisdom that we’re developing in the West today.This Information Has Always Been Retained:We have always had hints that there was a body of information that could fill the gaps of our understanding of the World. The mystery schools, elite priesthoods and sacred orders always retained this information. The texts point to these facts. Now at the closing of the age of Pisces something precious, rare and unique is happening to the Earth and Humanity - something that has never happened before. The East and indigenous cultures know and embrace these changes. It has always been part of their belief system, where as in the West it has been feared.The Ancient Essenes and Mirror imagesI believe every human on Earth is an initiate in the Mystery School that we call Life. Whether we are conscious of it or not, we will all experience mirror images of our selves through others. If we have the wisdom to recognize those mirrors, we may accelerate evolution of our emotions and understanding.The Essenes said that for us to know and master ourselves in this World, we will see reflected patterns of ourselves in others – the seven mirrors which are progressively more and more subtle. Back in the '70s, we heard about the first mirror, of who you are in the moment.

The notion was that if you find yourself around individuals who are angry or dishonest, they are showing you your dishonesty or anger. Sometimes the mirrors would apply, but sometimes they wouldn't. We had discovered the first mirror, but had yet to see the other mirrors, such as the second mirror, which reflects what we judge in the moment.This is tremendously powerful but very subtle. The ancient Essenes had a very sophisticated understanding of interpersonal human relationships and the role of emotion in those relationships. It's the role of emotion that we have carefully sifted out of our Western experience up until very recently. Now, as we go back into these writings, we see that it is emotion that proves the power and when coupled with logic, true magic and miracles occur.More on The Ancient Essenes:The ancient Essenes taught many truths that became the lineage of wisdom to a number of the major religions of the world including Christianity, Freemasons, Gnostic's, and Kabalist's. Roman and Jewish scholars referred to the Essenes as “a race by themselves, more remarkable than any other in the world.” They were also called “Preparers of the Way.” Portions of their traditions are found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, dating back to 4000 BC. Individuals and groups all over the world are resonating to newly discovered Essene teachings and incorporating them into their spiritual lives.

There are more than 1500 references to the Essenes on the Internet. Although it is not possible to discuss the complete body of teaching here, some of the most relevant are:

* Seeking peace for themselves and the world
* A deep and enriching connection with nature and cosmic forces
* Love and responsibility for the earth
* Lives of simplicity and purpose
* The masculine and the feminine nature of the Divine
* Inner healing and a unique psychology
* Natural healing and alternative medicine
* Concepts of creative work and right livelihood
* The power of our word
* Openness to evolving consciousness
* Living in community – sharing work and resources

Human Genetic Codes:Up until 1953 science always believed genetic code was fixed. Now over the last few years Western researchers have found that it appears the human genetic code to be variable rather than fixed. And that it is our responses to feelings and emotions as we go through the challenges of life that determine which of these codes are switched on or off. In ancient traditions, there is a quality of emotion, feeling and thought that appears to optimize those genetic codes “turning them on” thus giving us longevity, vitality and a tremendously enhanced immune systems. That quality is what we call today compassion. This is the common thread of emphasis through these ancient traditions, this science of compassion not only for others, but for ourselves.No Light Without Dark!One of the ancient doctrines and a belief that I truly believe myself is that the greatest potential for healing our bodies and minds and bringing peace to our world is the belief that reminds us that although there are 6.7 billion people or so on earth today and, although we are each an individual we are of a single consciousness being expressed and experienced through many bodies.

The whole of our consciousness and experiences, from the darkest of dark to the lightest of light are all part of the one and cannot exist without the other. Seventeen hundred years ago, we began to look at light and dark as opposites; we began to judge one as being better than the other when in reality we live the experience of both and both are only possible in the presence of one another. Darkness is only possible in the presence of light and light is only possible in the presence of the dark. Compassion:Once we believe there is a single source of all that is, we have opened the door to healing the illusion of separation. We have opened the door to healing the judgment of light and dark. In the presence of that healing, our body responds.

I believe this holds our greatest possibility for the healing of our bodies and the healing of nations. By simply embracing the belief that there is one source and we are all part of this source in this world, and that all we witness and experience is of that source, we then surpass our judgments and as we do so, all polarities fade away.. We need to rise above judgment and allow for the possibility that light and dark are one and the same, and, as the Egyptian Master Thoth said, “Different only in seeming and part of an even greater force”. As we embrace that, we open the door to the possibility of compassion.

Joan is dedicated to helping people find their true essence and to create a peaceful, happier, loving and successful life. Joan also helps others, through her work to pass on their knowledge and tools for a better world for all. She is also passionate about astrology, because it helped her to lead a more happier, peaceful and contented life. She owes her knowledge of astrology to athe wonderful teacher Ashtara.

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