Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Healing - A Cosmic Riddle

Healing. What is it exactly and how does it happen? Is there a way we can help healing happen in our lives? Perhaps you, like me, have been puzzled by questions such as these. Truthfully, healing has always confused and mystified me. As a Registered Nurse, certified in Holistic Nursing, I have spent 30 years searching for a clearer understanding of the how, what, where and why of healing. The common theme I have noticed is this: In the living of our lives, there is always a need for healing.

Healing always involves loss, and the associated fear and pain. Whether it is the loss of a loved one, a healthy body, an esteemed job, financial status, or loss of the innocence and safety of childhood, it is loss. The fear and pain that results alerts us to the need for healing.

Over the years I have been a keen observer of others as well as myself. I have noticed some common characteristics shared by people who experience healing. Healing is always possible and can be paradoxically simple but not always an easy process. All of us have the capability of experiencing healing, and healing is an internal process involving life skills that can be learned. As one who has spent considerable time on the hospice branch of the healthcare tree, I can also attest to the fact that healing can and does occur, even though curing the physical body cannot. In the final analysis, healing is a spiritual endeavor, which involves recognizing and honoring our spiritual needs common to all of us.

Our common spirituals needs are:

• To give and receive love and forgiveness

• To feel connection to Creator/Source Energy (most call God), self, others and nature/Earth

• To find purpose and meaning in life

When the above needs are met, the result is an experience of profound connection, which originates from Creator/Source Energy, and expands outward from within us to all others, and to nature/Earth. We become conduits for life force energy. Then, connection is manifested in our relationships. Relationships are the structure and crucible through which we experience connection or healing. Put simply, to understand healing we must understand our relationships. This is where healing hides, waiting to be discovered. We often believe it is another who causes our fear and pain. It is our perceptions and beliefs or our story about life that is the true origin of fear and pain.

Actually, others act as a mirror, and reflect back to us and show us that which we cannot readily see about our self. It is our disconnection or connection within all our relationships, including our self, where we can find the answer to the cosmic healing riddle.

All moments of our life, are experienced either as a feeling of connection or disconnection even when we are not aware of it. Healing begins with our intention and desire to look for and experience or feel connection rather than disconnection. Disconnection signals the need to look within for the source of the fear and pain.

Imagine a world where we consciously choose to feel more connected than disconnected, discovering the solution to more love in the world, more peace and compassion in the world, lies within us. If everyone assumed response ability for their healing, our world would be more loving and peaceful, as we would be more loving and peaceful. You would be the peacemaker and the healer. By choosing connection you discover the ultimate answer to the cosmic healing riddle. What you seek is within. ©Woodpecker Press 2009

Educated as a Registered Nurse and certified as a holistic nurse, Janny has dedicated her nursing career to bridging the gap between conventional and complementary health and medicine. She is a natural intuitive and has been certified as a Healing Touch Practitioner, an Usui Reiki Master Teacher and Karuna Reiki© Master Teacher. Visit her website at

Janny is available for presentations and telephone consultations. She resides in the Nashville Metro Area. 615-210-5083. Her recent book, Help Healing Happen; A Holistic Guide to Redefining Health, Hope, and Healing is available on and

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