Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Two Egyptian Death Questions

It is said that the ancient Egyptians, upon death, were asked two questions before entering heaven:

Did you have joy while you were on earth?

Did you bring joy to others?

Although, I don't believe this is what we'll be asked before entering heaven, they are good questions to consider.

But, another question to ask is if we really believe that God wants us to have joy. It seems that the common Christian believes that this life is similar to hell and the only thing that we have to enjoy is the mere thought that we will someday be in heaven, rather than having joy that God has offered us.

Of course, joy is quite different than happiness, but many of us equate the two. Joy can be a constant, while happiness is entirely dependent upon what happens.

It would also be hard to have one and not the other. You can't bring joy to others if you don't have any joy yourself. You can't give away what you don't have.

But, alas, let's return to the questions. Consider them over the next week. Do you have joy in your life? Have you ever? And, do you bring joy to others? Are these daily things, every once in a while, only when you feel like
I believe if we try to make it possible in our lives that we can answer these questions with a "yes", then we would all be much better off. How would you answer the two questions? Leave your answers below.

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