Thursday, July 10, 2008

Horrors of Planet X

Planet X is real ... such celestial objects referred to as a Dark Star ... are Core-like Planets similar to this Earth ....the heat generated from the core of such a Dark Star ..makes a planet visible in this manner .... Another name Planet X has been referred to is the New Earth Planet X sets in it's fold of space ... it sets in it's own reality ... a reality which is out of sync or out of frequency harmony to any outside their protective fold of space ....again I say ... if the planet orbit takes it close enough to Earth ... the very force generated by it's passing .... Could push Earth out of it's place .... This is just one aspect of all things coming together during this era of ending times .... Earth's inner core is transforming ...

The design and creation of Earth's core was and is more than just a random creation of nature. From the beginning Earth's core was purposed for a specific celestial function, and has now begin a timely predestined shift of it's mantle plates in the 'at first' gradual return back to it's original function. Such regressing changes are those which has off-sit increasing earthquakes, rising surface temperature, and increasing temperature changes in ocean and sea floors which will continue heating up until all such waters reach boiling degrees and began to evaporate. BUT THAT'S JUST THE BEGINNING !. The mantled core will return to such a heated state until the very surface and crust of Earth's surface will peel away from the core as one would peal off the hull of an orange and cast it into space. The Core of this Planet will become once again a temporary supper-heated source similar to that which scientist knew had to exist, but didn't understand where it came from, or what it actually was that cause the accumulation of cosmic element unto the combustion of that big bang. This in a much much smaller since makes our solar system ground zero for a very special work which will soon take place, the Core will not be working alone.

Rapture and the Quickening .... Are Ancient Planes for a Planet Evacuation ....

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1 comment:

Shelly StarZZ said...