Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Unidentified (UFOs) And Identified Flying Objects

The idea of UFOs flying down and saving humanity from injustice and woe is a popularized image from the last few decades. Let's identify the UFO trend, popular Christian images, the Mayan calendar with its 2012 predictions, and a reality of PHOTONs flying from clearly identified astrophysical objects.

Some fifty years ago UFOs captured the attention of people looking up to the skies. Once reports started and the government investigated, more and more UFOs appeared. It's like watching recently popularized crop circles. Simple circular forms started around Stonehedge. Lights collect over a wheat field and quickly trace out circular patterns. The more people learn and connect their consciousness to these phenomena, the greater their number and complexity. Humans focus attention to generate energies for the complexities of life to manifest.

Many people today tap into UFO hopes and dreams. Because people share memories of space ships (collected from numerous popularized movies from ET to Star Wars), I believe people have real experiences. The small bodied, large head and huge eyed alien motifs amass in imaginations. Individuals even get transported into spaceships, reporting sensational experiences. Even without any physical evidence, books, movies, and sightings of lights perpetuate beliefs in UFOs.

Modern UFO phenomena appear very similar to Christian hopes of Jesus' imminent return. For almost 2000 years, groups of Christians await to identify Jesus returning to Earth to rule over a 1000 year Millennium of peace. "Look, he is coming on the clouds" (Revelations 1:7). Jesus would likely return similar to his ascension to heaven (Luke 24:51). Note that the "Seventh Day Adventist" movement was started after Jesus didn't return in 1843.

The classical Mayan Indian Empire relied on an intricate calendar to predict Earth's climax and potential "re-creation." Major classical Mayan cities extend from Palenque in Mexico, to Tikal in Guatemala and Copan in Honduras. They mysteriously "fell" around 800AD, possible when their calendrical cycles reached Their primary transformative climax is established at 13 baktuns, Some predicted it for 2002. Nothing happened. Now 2012 is the year, that is if 3114 BC is considered to be their cyclic start date of

Human consciousness shares hopes for global peace and harmony. World religions express this climax of history. Jews await the Messiah, Christians the return of Jesus, their Messiah. Hindus believe Kalki (the final incarnation of Vishnu) will reestablish divine order. Buddhists pray, meditate, and post prayer flags calling on Maitreya, the final incarnation of Buddha. Various Muslims, especially Shi'a Muslim, believe a perfect teacher (which Muhammad represented) will come to establish justice.

With rampant suffering and injustice, humanity awaits a major climactic event. This is real. Now, what can we learn from scientific data about "identified flying objects."

Data from science actually supplies us with powerful "identifiable" energies. Maybe we can realize the reality of identifiable extraterrestrial sources, tap into the power of these flying photons (light), and help generate the reality of a great, glorious future for humanity. Earth is a powerful magnet that attracts light from many sources. The most powerful high energy gamma rays and X-rays stem from the Vela Pulsar. Scientists estimate that its supernova explosion occurred about 10,000 years ago. The Vela is about 1000 light years away. About 1000 years ago (1054AD), the Crab Supernova was temporarily a star almost the size of the moon. Powerful radio waves from the Vela and Crab Pulsars reach us right now.

Evidence exists that stars help align the great pyramids in Egypt. Our connection to the stars and the divine celestial sphere is as old as civilizations. Carved into the pyramid walls of Unas (2375-2345 BC) is probably the oldest known religious liturgy. Sirius, our brightest star, was called "Sothis." Most recognize the Great Bear constellation as the "big dipper." Here's part of Utterance 302 (Piankoff, 1968 with parentheses from the translator).

"Sothis lives (i.e., shines) for it is Unas who is indeed the living (star), the son of Sothis. ... Sothis has let Unas fly towards heaven amongst his brothers, the gods. The two Enneads have purified themselves for him as the Great Bear constellation which cannot perish. ... There is no word against Unas on earth among men. There is no crime of Unas in the sky among the gods. Unas has done away with the word against him, he has annulled it, in order to rise towards heaven. The Opener of the Ways has let Unas fly to heaven amongst his brothers, the gods."

Astrophysicists identify powerful light from space. Let's plug into real energies connecting to us right now. If we focus on these real energies and put them within our consciousness -- no matter what our religious or philosophical viewpoint -- then we can ground these energies.

To complete this article I ask why extraterrestrials need spaceships. Is materialism our grand goal? Our physical bodies live for a finite amount of time. Primarily we are here to experience core family relationships and plug into life: real energies from water, plants, animals, minerals, humans, and light (suns, star forms, and reflected light from the moon and planets). The 10% of our minds we use right now is enough to plug in and experience the flow of energies. In the 'afterlife' we can potentially access the rest of the mind, put the 'dream' of life into an ideal aesthetic flow, and refine energies within fabrics of time and space. (Yes this sentence is a mouthful.) For now, let's ground the 'extraterrestrial' energies from the heavens, our celestial connections. Earth can blossom. We can share the joy of peace.

We all live on one Earth. The synergism of individual and humane group power can generate climactic peace and prosperity. All spiritual paths can be strengthened by accessing power in "Identified Flying Objects." The sun clearly emits high energy, visible light, and radio waves. Powerful sources from the heavens (stars and star forms) are real. Let's plug in, embody real energies and transfer this power within our own religious and spiritual practices.

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1 comment:

cavinwright said...

I'm impressed with the style and scope of this article - well presented!
For more on this type of subject, get yourselves the following book:


The Link between Atlantis, Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, Biblical Events and Our Future

Author Cavin Wright explores the mystery of Stonehenge with specific focus on the 56-hole Aubrey Circle, the purported, sophisticated calendar and clock and its link to the Great Pyramid.
The Golden Prize: Incorporating Code Nine Enchiridion is a fascinating body of work that correlates American seer, Edgar Cayce’s and Plato’s theories with Wright’s mathematical formulas, resulting in astonishing findings.
What is the connection between Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, the Hall of Records and light-speed travel? Wright details these mysteries and other suppositions, using Cayce and Plato’s theorems, coupled with his own meticulous research and equations.
Could the people of Atlantis have been those described in Genesis and is the flood documented in the Bible linked to the destruction of Atlantis? Does the Earth have a secret past and is humanity on the verge of a quantum leap forward?
Find out how the events are linked and how they parallel with the dire predictions of Revelation. Discover how these historical happenings might foreshadow our future.
Determine the direct correlation between Code Nine Enchiridion and the end of time prophecies. Learn what the Golden Prize is and what it means to humanity.

Publisher’s website:

About the Author:
Cavin Wright was born in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1952 and lived many years in South
Africa. Mr. Wright has published two books entitled From Dust to Trust and Bedtime Stories. He currently resides in England. The Golden Prize is his second nonfiction book.