Thursday, April 15, 2010

Psychic Ability - Why Children Have Stronger Degrees of Psychic Gifts

Every living being on Earth is gifted with an innate psychic ability. But then, they say that the degree of psychic ability in children is much stronger, compared to adults -- why is this so?

Was there ever a time that you had noticed that children can do some things, out of the ordinary? It's amazing, like how a baby is able to successfully communicate his needs even though he cannot talk, and how he communicates with fellow babies. This is one proof of telepathic abilities in its purest form. This telepathic psychic ability in kids, allow them to communicate by only using their mind.

Another psychic ability that is known to be strong in children are the gift to see auras. An aura is the energy field that surrounds every person, place, or object. Through auras, one can tell the personality or "vibes." Kids can see and read auras very well. This is the reason why kids have different reactions toward new people they meet, or new places they visit.

Do you ever wonder why a child or baby, just out of the blue, laughs by himself? This is because they can see spiritual entities that most people cannot see. Yes, children have stronger degrees of the gifts of mediumship, and the sixth sense. There are literally hundreds of documented cases where children have come out of surgeries or near-death experiences, drawing pictures of angels or saying that they talked to a spirit on the 'other side'.

Children possess other psychic gifts as well. A child may have the psychic ability of precognition, telekinesis, clairvoyance, among many other possible gifts. But then, why are psychic abilities stronger in kids in comparison to adults?

Two facts about psychic gifts -- first, every person is born with an innate psychic ability. Second, any psychic ability is best to flourish in conditions in where one is pure in the mind, body, and spirit. This is why children have stronger degrees of any psychic ability, their innocent and intuitive nature, is pure enough to make any psychic gift flourish.

Children with psychic gifts are called crystal children, or indigo children. Unlike most adults, children are unaware that they even posses a psychic ability. More so, most adults do not even notice that their kids might have psychic gifts at all -- since after all, having imaginary friends, weird dreams, and mood swings, seem to be just a normal behavior among kids.

However, they say that as a person ages, the degree of any psychic ability within them, fades. The reason behind this, is that as one grows older, one's purity and innocence diminishes. But, there is a way to keep the degree of your psychic side as you age. This should start young, with parents being able to identify that their child has a special gift, and they must give the right motivation and inspiration to their kids.

Tana Hoy is a natural born psychic. He has been dedicating his life to help people discover their inner psychic. Visit his website, to know how to unleash the psychic within you.

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