Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Alien Presence - Are They Real?

I have been interested in UFOs and aliens since my father told us he saw several unidentified objects that looked like flying saucers during the 1950's. I was merely a child but the image that I formed in my mind has lasted to this date. The idea was farther enhanced and became more vivid when my smaller sister and husband, years later, saw a UFO flying by watched it passing by as they stepped out of their cars, as did all the other excited drivers.

The aliens, whoever they are, have been always portrayed as more intelligent, with greater capabilities and better technology than us; yet they don't disclose themselves and instead decide to visit us hiding in the shadows of the night. I wonder about this. Are they not capable of showing up in daylight? ? Are they afraid from us even with the superior advantages that they posses? Are they as physical as we are or do they come from another dimension and can only make a break into ours during the night?

When they make contact, they paralyze us. That means they they have power over us that we cannot neutralize; there is no respect and no request for consent. At the same time, it is obvious that they want something from us. Something so valuable for them that they have to paralyze us and make us forget. If we are to believe the countless stories and trends, they abduct humans by the thousands. And they come once and again for the same people, always making them forget to the extent that regression is the only way to recover the memories of the abductions, buried sometimes since childhood.

Lost time, nightmares, abductions, strange dreams and markings on the skin... that is extreme harassment. They abduct people from all over the world. For what? They mutilate cows, dogs and cats. For what? They put implants in humans, impregnate human females and extract semen from the men. For what? They are not interested in our natural resources or our perceived "riches" or the simple military weapons that we possess. I don't think any of these has any relevance to them. Is earth a big laboratory? Are we guinea pigs for these aliens? Do they believe that they own us? How many of the so called missing boys, girls and adults have been abducted by aliens never to be returned?

It is very strange that everything is done during the night, when most of us are asleep, when we can be easily tricked into thinking we are having a nightmare, when we are mentally at a disadvantage. When men and women are abducted, they fall in a coma-like state, unable to move but conscious of most everything that is done to them. They sometimes travel through walls, float to alien crafts, see hybrid children, talk telepathically with them, and can be terrorized to death by their appearance and procedures. Sometimes men in uniforms are seen alongside the aliens. Where on earth do they come from? Is there a treaty between humans and aliens?

After over sixty years of this world wide spread syndrome, nothing is clear and everything is further confounded with every year that passes by. Nothing is gained in knowledge about the situation, we seem unable to control the visitations, apparitions and effects on the physical and psychological health of the citizens subjected to this harassment. What is more, I think that many dreams, the so called sleep paralysis, is a symptom of alien abduction. If this is true, it means that the percentage of the population that has been abducted is higher than believed. When they abduct, do they remove and replace, extract only, only replace, only modify? What do they do with our bodies? Or do they work also with our minds? Are they really undergoing a project of hybridization as some abductees think? I don't think they want anything material from us and I don't know what is the agenda.

We have grown accustomed to them now, the statement is clear from all sources: They are here. If the alien presence is not a major mass manipulation for financial gain --imagine all the books, movies and TV specials that have been made about them-- we all know by now that they are out there; still, they don't show their faces. I envision several races with different agendas about us. If some of them have made contact with different countries, we know the next battles will not be determined by us, the humans. We will be in the middle of a battle --or maybe we already are--that is going to be beyond our comprehension, for they will be fought in realms we know nothing about. The realm of the invisible.

During sleep, some people experience a sleep paralysis where they can interact with strange beings, some cloaked in darkness and others very similar to the popular alien of black eyes and short height. During this paralysis people seem to go out of their bodies, move through walls as if they were spirits; Some talk with these beings, can fly over their bedrooms and out into the night, visit other planets and talk with deceased people. If they exist, do all that I have mentioned means that the aliens live in the realm of the dead or possibly in a similar dimension? That would partially answer the question of why they don't show up during daylight; there is no reason since they overpower us in all aspects.

I suspect that when I get paralyzed I am been submitted to some kind of mental or energetic control. Just a some people have been paralyzed and floated up to an alien craft after they go through the roof or a windshield, I have been paralyzed by someone or something I have no control about. All my research and readings are geared to understanding this process and finding out solutions to controlling and opposing it. I propose that the alien presence syndrome may be no more than a spiritual event where we are interacting with them with our spiritual bodies and that is why contemporary science and methods serve us little in the discovery of its causes and control. Aliens are here, or maybe, just maybe... they have always been.

An experiencer of lucid dreams.

Article Source:

Angelica Downe - EzineArticles Expert Author

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