Friday, November 6, 2009

Want to Bring Back a Lover? If All Else Fails, Use Magic

If you want to bring back a lover and you're not getting anywhere, you might be going about it the wrong way. Perhaps your wish to reunite with an ex could be helped by a little Magic!

In order to return a lover to you, you usually need to do the opposite to what you are doing. In order to return, an ex will probably have to have a change of heart, and be convinced that the reason they left in the first place was a mistake.

Your ex will have to be reminded of your true qualities. However, if you pester them by begging them to return, or if you wallow in self pity, and hide away hoping to make them feel sorry for you, it's likely that this will have the opposite effect to what you want, and your ex lover could be driven further away.

Ironically, the best way to influence your ex is to show them that you are not bothered, and that you are able to live a full and happy life without them. How many times have we seen it? Not only in films and television, but in real life too. Someone dumps their partner, and then sees them again a few months later, looking gorgeous, having a great time, and often on the arm of an interesting new partner.

This is the most powerful persuasion for any ex, and the best jealousy-inciting formula to cause them to start desperately wanting you back.

It's not easy though, getting this confidence and inner beauty to be able to get on with your life and look like you are enjoying it. But if you do, it will make you so much more attractive than a grieving, dumped ex member of a former couple, and able to attract the attentions of others - including your ex.

Magic spells are mysterious powerful energies that affect us and the world we live in, in mysterious and inexplicable ways.

If you've left the text messages, if you've filled the answer phone, if you've written the notes, if you've listened to the silence - it's probably time to cast a spell.

How to Cast a Spell to Bring Back a Lover

This Reunite Love Spell will help to draw back a lost love.

On a night of the Waxing Moon, gather together on a plate some sage, some salt, a small pink or white candle. If you have them, also gather the Lovers Tarot card, and a picture or keepsake of your ex.

Touch a flame to the sage to make it smoke and light the candle.

Say aloud 3 times:

By the power of the Air to the East
The Earth to the North, Water at West
And Fire in the South, I blow
Bring back my Lover and
Make it So!
So mote it be

Next, relax yourself and take some deep breaths. Imagine and visualise you and your ex happily walking together, hand in hand.

If you really want someone back, you should do all you can to get them back - and don't forget Magic!

Alison Yates wrote this article. Get her to cast a powerful spell on your ex-lover:

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