Thursday, November 11, 2010

Celtic Tarot - A Tarot Spread and Unique Form of Tarot Reading

The Celtic tarot cross spread is used for most readings. It also refers to a unique form of tarot cards and readings (but more on that later). The positions are number and each number represents a specific context for each card. They are as follows:

1. Present Position (Atmosphere in which the questioner is currently working)

2. Immediate Influence (Shows the nature of the influence or obstacles which lie just ahead)

3. Goal or Destiny (Shows the goal or destiny of the questioner. Indicates the best that can be accomplished given the existing circumstances)

4. Distant Past (Shows major events and influences which existed in the past and which upon present events are based.)

5. Recent Past Events (shows recent events that have influence on the present position.)

6. Future Influence (Shows the sphere of influence that will come into being in the near future.)

7. The Questioner (Shows the questioner's present position or attitude. Attempts to place the questioner in the proper perspective.)

8. Environmental Factors (Shows the questioner's influence on other people and events. Reveals tendencies and factors with respect to other people which may have an effect on the questioner.)

9. Inner Emotions (Shows the inner hopes and hidden emotions, desires, fears, and anxieties of the questioner, including future thoughts.)

10. Final Result (The culmination and results from all of the influences, as revealed by the reading provided events and influences continue as indicated.

Preservation of Celtic Mythology

Few people realize that Celtic Mythology is so fascinating and could be used along side the Tarot is such a constructive way. By using tales from Celtic mythology we can gain greater depth and insight from Tarot readings. By interpreting these stories into concrete terms our unconscious minds allow them to become powerful tools for greater insight into our own lives.

Celtic Tarot was created as a way to re-establish a lost connection of Celtic mythology and Celtic art within the age old wisdom of the tarot cards. It combines the traditional tarot meanings with popular figures of Celtic history, predominately through Arthurian lore.

Celtic myth and legend, like the Tarot itself, come from a bright space and show us a portal, connecting the spiritual world with our everyday lives. The typical Celtic tarot card art, a representation of the wonders of Celtic lore, and the wisdom of the tarot, combine to make this process a very enjoyable experience.

Celtic Culture at Risk

Pagan Celtic mythology is strongly loved by its devout followers. There are probably very few other cultures in the world that stimulate as much interest as that of the Celtic people. However, over time this culture has been overshadowed to the point of being smothered and erased. Major contributors to this include Christianity, Greek zodiacs, and the Olympic pantheon.

This unique version of tarot cards will make a great addition for anyone who practices the tarot art or for anyone who feels connected to the Celtic culture. The pectoral art of the cards is beautiful and provides a good way to help preserve Celtic history and lore.

See the Celtic Cross in action in action and get your own free tarot predictions online. Unlimited free access, simple to use and fun!

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