Sunday, November 7, 2010

Is 2012 Doomsday Coming?

Indonesia suffered three different kinds of natural disaster these days. By now at least 341 persons were killed in these disasters. And hundreds of people lost their beloved ones these days. Earthquake destroyed thousands of houses. Tsunami killed hundreds of people. Volcanic tsunami made thousands of people lose their beloved ones. It is not the only one bad news to us. These years we heard countless natural disasters happened. We even become used to the natural disasters. It is a really big tragedy to become used to the death and disaster.

Earthquake, tsunami, and volcanic eruption are the most horrible natural disasters in the world. The human being can do a great to change the living environment. We could make the car. We could make the boat. We could make the airplane. We could build the skyscraper. We even can make everything which you could imagine. And we even could explore the outer space. But we could do nothing when facing such natural disasters.

We could do nothing to save such people in disasters besides help the survival ones to rebuild their houses. We always say that the doomsday is coming with humor when talking about the frequently natural disasters. Not because we do not afraid about the end of the world but we could do nothing since we are only human being. We always ask others about this question: "Is 2012 doomsday coming?" No one would answer this question completely. But no one would say no immediately since there are countless tragedies all over the world recent years. What shall we do if the doomsday is coming? Stop working? Or continue to live as normal?

I am the one who prefer to believe that the doomsday is coming. Maybe 2012 is not the end of the world. But in my opinion, the world is not as safe as before. The world is full of tragedies. The end of the world is coming sooner or later. I do not want to wait to die. So I prefer to work harder. I prefer to enjoy the life. At the same time, I try to cherish time and life. And I try to protect myself and my family.

But how I could to protect myself and keep healthy? I tried to get rid of the bad habits. Do the exercises with my family every morning. Go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier. I try to eat more healthy food. I even tried to quit smoking. Since I am a heavy smoker and I try to quit smoking in vain. So I accept my friend's suggestion to buy some electronic devices for myself. I even persuade my family and friends to learn some survival skills with me. I think it is quite useful when meeting such terrible disasters like what happened in Indonesia. I am not a pessimistic person. On the contrary, I am the optimistic one. I do not want to be the one who is regret about his life when dying. We could do nothing when meeting the terrible tragedies, but we must learn something from the tragedies.

Are you still wasting of time? Do you feel tired of life? If so, please have a look at the victims in Indonesia or somewhere are suffering the tragedy. You may change your opinion later. The life will be much easier than you thought before. Tragedy will not bring us to death, only the helplessness can do that.

Is 2012 doomsday coming? What would you do if you meeting such natural disasters? What would you do if someone has predicted that the end of the world is coming? Would you like to share your opinion with me?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is obvious to me that natural disasters have become more prevalent
all over the globe. Prophecies from many different traditions say that something is about to happen. I believe that many people are getting visions directly related to these coming events. Each person should search their own heart as to how to prepare themselves. I believe being spiritually prepared is the most important thing anyone can do.