Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Understanding Clairvoyance and Occult Powers!

Psychic experiences come in all shapes and flavors. People claim to be real clairvoyants, some of them legitimate and some of them not. So where can somebody go for a simple, down-to-earth explanation of psychic phenomena and an honest way to evaluate so-called psychics out there? Those wishing to explore their own psychic abilities or just learn more in general about psychic phenomena should read this guide to understanding clairvoyance and occult powers.

Clairvoyance comes from the French phrase for "clear-seeing." A person who can see clearly in a metaphysical sense is called a clairvoyant. Often the terms 'pyschic' and 'clairvoyant' are used interchangeably, since they mean roughly the same thing. Clairvoyance exists outside the five knowable senses of human beings, meaning that it deals with scientifically unobservable phenomena. Clairvoyants learn things about people, places, or events with a sort of "sixth sense" that they have. The scientific community, and most of the public, remains skeptical about the reality of clairvoyant powers.

Clairvoyance may, at first glance, seem like nothing other than intuition. In a way, it is a form of extraordinary intuition. A normal level of human intuition includes being able to read social cues, just "having a feeling" about something that turned out to be very significant, or being particularly insightful about solving a problem. This comes from the same source as clairvoyance.

The occult, though it has a slightly negative connotation, is nothing more than the unseeable world around us. It is not necessarily witches casting spells to achieve some desired outcome. The occult is elusive in nature and mankind has tried hard to understand it since the beginning of time. Its mysterious nature leads many people to give a dark meaning to it, equating "occult" with evil.

The occult is anything unseen, both positive and negative. The spirit and human consciousness belong to the realm of the occult. The occult concerns the universe as a whole, recognizing that it is more than just the sum of planets and galaxies in the cosmos.

Occult powers and clairvoyance are essentially the same thing. They both deal with the unseeable and the unrecordable phenomena of life. Science would have us believe that these things are therefore unknowable, but that is not true as any clairvoyant will tell you. Occult powers are very much present in our world, and they help regular people tap into the vein of the universe.

It might surprise you to hear that you are probably a little bit clairvoyant yourself - most people are. Clairvoyance is a gift belonging to the occult that most people are simply born with. It comes in varying degrees, and of course gets stronger with practice. Just like a muscle, occult powers grow stronger if they are exercised. Recognizing psychic abilities and deciding to develop them is key to becoming a clairvoyant.

The difference between clairvoyance and occult powers is that while clairvoyance concerns primarily information-gathering, exercising your occult powers can cause changes in the world. Clairvoyants, remember, see clearly - that is one example of occult power. A clairvoyant may or may not be able to change the world around them through additional abilities. This depends on the individual's psychic gifts and ability. However, occult powers may also include casting spells or otherwise effecting changes.

Spells and occult powers are often given attention only at Halloween, but this really isn't fair. A power that deals with the balance of the universe should be recognized all year round! People should understand their role in the occult, and learn to accept responsibility for the cosmic choices they make as well as actively work to improve the universe. Just remember that spells don't work like they are shown on TV. A person must be in the right frame of mind, have the proper training, and be doing the right thing in order for most spells to work. Some may be subject to interpretation and personal circumstance, as well.

We should always pay attention the occult universe and the potential for clairvoyant experiences with it. Even though we can't see it, the occult is still important. It is the pulse of the universe, so being in touch with it could never be a bad thing.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rebecca_Bennett

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