Friday, November 19, 2010

Nostradamus Predicted President Palin in 2012

Ever since the discovery of the New World, Nostradamus scholars have speculated about the identity of the First Lady President to whom The Seer Extraordinaire alluded in a number of his quatrains, written long before America was even a gleam in the Founding Fathers' eye. Unfortunately, when it came to naming names, Nostradamus was notoriously reticent.

For Nostradamus, rulers of the female persuasion were not an uncommon occurrence. After all, he had experienced firsthand the likes of Lucretia Borgia and Catherine de Medici. Not to mention the fact that Victorian and Elizabethan "femmes fatales" were packed into his crystal ball as tightly as sardines. Consequently, female figures were not the novelty to Nostradamus that they are today. Therefore, he did not deem it necessary to specifically devote an entire quatrain to revealing the persona of the Presidential Matriarchal Sovereign (PMS) in so many words. Which is not to say that he did not leave some tantalizing tidbits here and there for avid devotees to chew on.

Long-suffering suffragettes, anxious to have their day in the sun, have vainly attempted to connect the clues of the jigsaw puzzle and pin the tail on every "politica" to come down the political pike, from Martha Washington to Eleanor Roosevelt, and everyone and her sister in between. But alas and alack, no one exactly matched the description.

No one, that is, until the Alaska Governess skyrocketed onto the scene. Now, her arch supporters are claiming that she fits the profile in every respect.

What can be gleaned from Nostradamus' trail of bread crumbs about the Woman Waiting in the Wings is that she hails from a land of "the north winds," that contains "frozen rivers," along with a "frozen sea." "Palinites" claim that that is the perfect depiction of Alaska.

Furthermore, Nostradamus emphasized that the Lady Leader "will show an excess of masculine courage," calling her the "man-woman from the North," as well as the "woman warrior." Born in a log cabin in the heart of the wilderness, Sarah Palin is known to be a mighty Amazonian huntress who can live off the fat of the land and field-dress a bull moose with one hand tied behind her back. Her big game exploits have become the stuff of Internet legend. As a case in point, there is the now-famous incident of when, separated from her hunting party by a sudden blizzard, she brought down a grizzly bear using only her bowie knife, gutted the animal, then crawled inside the carcass to wait out the storm.

In Nostradamus' words, the likely candidate possesses "the face anointed with milk and honey" and in yet another quatrain, he describes the "face anointed with honey and sustained with milk." By now, everyone who will admit to following the tabloid press is well aware of Sarah Belle's daily bathing beauty regimen to retain her eternally youthful satiny complexion.

In light of Nostradamus' obvious admiration for the woman's pulchritudinous assets, it is strange that he would refer to her as "the lady of plain beauty," one of the few times that he used English in his quatrains. Being the consummate polyglot, fluent in any number of languages, he penned his quatrains primarily in various dialects of French, as well as Greek, Latin, Spanish, and Italian, but occasionally, he would interject a smattering of English into the mix. For centuries, scholars thought that that rather odd juxtaposition of words, an oxymoron in fact, was nothing more than yet another of his many plays-on-words, but given current events, it is now clear that "plain" in that particular context is an obvious anagram for the name "Palin."

Nostradamus goes on to say that the lady in question will assume the high office when the country is in dire straits: "The New Empire in desolation will be changed from the Northern Pole." Then comes the most alarming part of the prediction: "The lady is honored through force of terror." That can mean only one thing, that an overt act of terrorism will, in some way, shape, or form, precipitate her occupation of the White House.

It is undeniable that Sarah Palin has created a tempest in a Tea Party. Her devoted followers, who are sick and tired of the same old empty rhetoric, the political bull, so to speak, want her to throw her coonskin cap into the ring, enter the political arena, step up to the plate, roll up her sleeves, take the bull by the short hairs, and knock it out of the ball park.

She obviously has broad appeal. Her appearance on Saturday Night Live (SNL) garnered the highest ratings for that show in decades, and the highest ever for a political guest, proof positive that even the Northeast Intellectual Liberals (NIL) are drawn to her in droves. Everyone is scrambling on board the seemingly unstoppable Palin Juggernaut. In the last Straw Poll, even rabid feminists indicated that they would vote for her just to get a pair of patent leather pumps under the Big Desk in the Oval Office.

While "The Sarah's" poll numbers are on the wax, "The Barack's" are on the wane. If his public approval ratings continue to plummet at the same precipitous rate of decline, by the time the 2012 election rolls around, they will be in negative territory, making SP a sure-fire shoo-in and BO an equally sure-fire shoo-out.

If Palin does enter the race, it would put Obama at a distinct disadvantage. He will be effectively hamstrung. The fray is bound to get ugly. If he takes the high road and refrains from going for the jugular, he will be perceived as being a weak-kneed wimpy weakling. But, on the other hand, if he does deliver tit for tat, he will appear to be beating up on a defenseless woman, tantamount to abuse. It is a no-win situation for him, damned if he does, double-damned if he does not.

His only viable option is to implement Plan H, pull out his big gun, unleash his heavy Hillary Artillery. By having the V.P. and S.O.S. trade pay grades, putting Capitol Hillary on the ticket, he will be able to have his own lipstick pit bull in the fight. And what a fight it would be.

Voters know how Hillary "Rock-'em" and Sarah "Sock-'em" really feel about each other. It is no state secret that there is no love lost between the two femmes ferocious. They may put on a good face when out in public, for the sake of appearances, but in their heart of hearts, they hate each other's guts with a purple passion.

Voters do not want to see mud-slinging. What the voters really want to see is mud-wrestling. People want them to quit making nice, and take off the kid gloves. The nation at large would like nothing better than for them to settle their differences the good old-fashioned way, the way God intended politics to be, à la Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, Samson and Goliath, King Kong versus Godzilla. Set up a cage on stage and hold a classic cat-fight. Let the political pugilists square off and go toe-to-toe, head-to-head, in hand-to-hand combat, engaging in a no-holds-barred, knock-down drag-out free-for-all bare-knuckled barroom brawl, complete with name-calling, back-stabbing, cussing, cursing, swearing, shouting, screaming, pinching, punching, spitting, biting, scratching, slapping, clawing, jabbing, kicking, kneeing, hair-pulling, eye-gouging, and other assorted cheap shot low blows. A real taming of the shrewdest. Organize a pay-for-view event, with the proceeds going to homeless shelters and food shelves. Blood sports' fans would pay good money to see that spectacle.

Palin backers sense a window of opportunity opening wide, and they are urging The Sarah to strike while the iron is hot. They point to a particular incident steeped in symbolism that they see as a sign from above. During a speech that The Bomber was making to, of all groups, the "Most Powerful Women Summit," the presidential seal fell from the podium and crashed to the floor with a loud resounding thunderclap. "Palinites" interrupt that to be an ill omen, likening it to a similar occurrence that has come to be known as the "Carter Curse." Beware the Ides of Obama.

Furthermore, acknowledging Nostradamus' proven track record of accurately prophesying the election of the man "of white and black of the two intermixed," they have connected the episode to another famous quatrain predicting that Obama is destined be a one-term president:

"The great empire each year shall have more strife, One above all others will the power obtain: But short will be his reign and life, Two years on stormy seas will he be able to sustain." - Nostradamus 10:32

The "two years on stormy seas" is, of course, a direct unambiguous reference to the disastrous Midterm Massacre, taken to be a referendum on Barack's political capital, a proxy presidential election, as it were, proving conclusively that the Cult of Obama is running on fumes. Prophetically, the seal fell just as he uttered the word "sustain." That is the very word that Nostradamus chose to end his quatrain, and being the last word, it signifies a culmination or conclusion, in this case, to his tenure as president. All in all, it definitely bodes ill for the reigning "POTUS"-in-Chief.

According to Nostradamus, the Woman Leader's ascension to the White House will be brought about by an act of terror. No single group was more bitterly disappointed by the performance (or lack thereof) of Obama than the Terrorist Community. They fully expected him to honor his campaign promises to de-surge the War On Terror, decommission the "Gitmo" Gulag, and de-deploy the overseas' Armed Forces. Instead, not only has 44 continued the Bush 43 Patriot Act policies, he has even escalated troop levels in Afghanistan.

Terrorists are politically astute and highly media savvy; they fully understand the electoral value of an October Surprise. International Intelligence has already reported that al-Qaeda is planning a plethora of attacks, a veritable Oktoberfest of terrorist activity, in effect, the Mother of all 9/11's.

Republicans have long been chanting the mantra, "No 9/11 since 9/11." The next such event will take place on Obama's watch. When that happens, it will send shock waves through the hearts and minds of the Security Moms, convincing them that "President" Obama is not up to the task of defending the homeland, prompting fence-sitting swing voters to scurry into the Palin camp, like drowning rats deserting a sinking ship of state, thereby driving the final nail into Obama's Presidential Election Coffin (OPEC).

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