Monday, September 27, 2010

Books of Magic - Real Or Fake?

Every occultist and magic practitioner owns few books of magic. Are these real or not? Do they really contains magical knowledge, or is this just child play? As experienced occult explorer, I will answer all the questions in this article.

First of all, there are many types of books of magic. The oldest type is called "grimoires" - those are ancient and Medieval books written hundreds of years ago, containing occult knowledge - both theory and practice. And yes, this includes practical spellcasting and rites (rituals). Most people who would stumbled upon these books would have no idea what they're talking about. These are real books of magic, they need to be studied, and understood before the knowledge inside them will be used for magical practices.

Another type of magic books is much more modern - these are guidebooks and manuals written since 1960s. They're written by well respected authors, and they contain nearly the very same knowledge as grimoires. The knowledge need to be studied and understood before it can be applied. These are good books as well.

Third type is quite simple - modern books that do not share any useful knowledge. Many books about New Age philosophies applies here, as well as lot of books about magic practices that share spells, charms and very "new age" point of view upon the occult. They are written only for money, and they can't really help anyone understand what magic really is. Because of this, they're not worth anything - but still can be read in order to gain small pieces of knowledge.

And finally, fourth type of magic books. Faked books, like Necronomicon, famous book of black magic created by H. P. Lovecraft - it's nothing more than paranormal fiction. But there are also many books, very old and very young, that were just faked - and they contain no practical knowledge. People might have wrote them in order to make money, perhaps.

Summary is simple. Some books of magic do work - I mean, they contain very real and very useful knowledge. Some are written only for money and they share no useful knowledge, they're real but the knowledge inside them is not. If you would like to study the occult, you need to be quite careful when choosing your books. I might suggest starting from old grimoires, but be aware here as well - it doesn't mean that if the book is old, it's good. It might be faked.

So, last tip? Read opinions about the book you're thinking about reading, see if it's worth it.

Read also why you should take great care when purchasing magic spell books.

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