Monday, September 27, 2010

Visitors in Our Deepest Oceans - Underwater Alien Civilizations Beneath the Oceans of Earth

We are surrounded by water, two third of our planet is water and amazingly we know more about the sun and the distant stars than what we know about our planet's depths. So what mysteries does our planet's oceans hold is left to our imagination and our deepest fears, because we always fear what we don't know. The ocean is so vast that anything can be lurking down there, creatures from our distant past once thought to be extinct, giant monsters from the deep or even alien civilizations from another world hundreds of years more technologically advance than we are.

As far fetch as the above statement might sound there are numerous witnesses that have reported Un-identified Submerge Objects or U.S.O., in the areas near the Bermuda triangle and the Caribbean. A U.S.O. is basically a U.F.O. under water; when it surfaced out of the water it becomes a U.F.O. an unidentified flying object. One location on the Caribbean that can be considered a U.S.O. hot spot is the island of Puerto Rico, specially the southwest part of the island. Where many witnesses have allegedly seen mysterious space craft's getting in and out of a lake called "Cartagena" lagoon in the municipality of "Hormigueros" Puerto Rico. Reports of mysterious vessels getting out of the water and into space miles away at the municipality of Lajas Puerto Rico can suggest a possible ancient underground river that connects the two towns underground and allows those luminous spacecraft to pass unseen and undetected by us. It is recorded on Christopher Columbus journal just days before discovering America the unfamiliar sitting of an underwater luminous ball that was following the ship as it navigates the Atlantic on its way to the new world. The explorer reported seeing that same ball of light getting out of the water, hovering for a moment and then blasting into space, which in that time period rules out the possibility of a comet, an airplane or a submarine.

Submarine missions carried out by the navy have reported detecting objects moving at extraordinary speeds very close to them that did not match the characteristics of any animal or any human made underwater vessel. Technologically speaking it takes much more energy to move a vessel under water than what it takes to move one on the air because of the water resistance, so whatever they detected was not human or made with technology of this planet.

Another major area of the world where countless U.S.O. sittings have taken place is the Asian version of the Bermuda triangle, the dragon's triangle. The dragon's triangle is located at the Philippine Sea off the eastern coast of china and is as infamous as its American cousin for vanishing ships and airplanes, but the dragon's triangle is most notorious for its U.S.O. sittings and encounters. For centuries Asian cultures have many times reported bright lights coming out of the water and heading into space or witness seeing cigar shape like objects coming at high speeds from the sky at night and plunging into the ocean and never coming out again. With all these speculations it's not hard to imagine the possibility of extraterrestrial cities embedded on the ocean floor, after all we still have a lot to learn from our own home world. If we were to explore an extraterrestrial species from up close the best way to do so would be to hide on a hazardous environment that they could not reach because they are not entirely technologically prepare for it. Interesting enough the dragon's triangle is located on the region of the Pacific Ocean believed to be the deepest part of the planet near where the Mariana trenches reside, a part of earth still virgin from human exploration.

We are used to believing that visitors from the stars come from galaxies many light years away. But what if they came to our planet a long time ago and stayed here ever since, what if they are keeping a close eye on us from our own earthling waters or using our planet as a temporary spot for other more distant destinations in the un-explored universe.

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