Monday, September 27, 2010

Crystal and Indigo Children

Indigo Children
Indigo children are teenagers and young adults. They are naturally intuitive, perceptive, and sensitive. Many of them are psychic, creative and although they don't usually do well in school, they seem to "know" everything. Unfortunately most Indigo's are diagnosed with ADHD and put on medications to control their hyperactivity and attention deficit. Sadly when they are medicated they lose their unique personality traits and spiritual gifts. They do have trouble focusing and need to channel their energy into their passion and gifts. They do not do well in the traditional educational system, they do not conform well and have a rebellious spirit.
These kids have strong personalities and are warrior spirits here to pave the way for the new world. They are "system busters" and here to quash systems without integrity that are not ethical and productive such as our current governmental, educational, and healthcare systems. To do that they need to have hot tempers and fierce determination. If you are the parent of an Indigo, like I am, your job has probably not been easy. You can throw out the rulebooks when it comes to parenting an Indigo. They definitely have minds of their own and like to be in control.
Many of these kids are gifted and will be our future artists and healers they just need help focusing their energy and finding a creative outlet. They have extremely strong bonds with children, animals, and nature. They connect easily with the spirit realm and sense spirits and angels. They are sensitive to energies and it is not unusual for them to have the need to shower often. They can be extremely messy and disorderly because they have a difficult time focusing. They have personalities that are bigger than life and because of their sensitivities it is easy for them to fall into addictive behavior. Their brains functions differently and theses kids are actually wise beyond their years and misunderstood. We have a lot we can learn from these special and gifted kids.
Indigo Children are very responsive to love and love others very much. They are open, non-judgemental and love without prejedice. They see the beauty in others. They know what is right, have strong convictions and beliefs, and will stand up for them. If they feel they are unfairly disciplined, they will stand up to the parent or authority figure. Fighting for what they believe is right is a common trait of Indigos. These kids are here to teach us the basics of true unconditional love.
Crystal Children
The crystal children are the children usually born since the year 2000. In contrast to the Indigo children, these children are loving and peaceful spirits, incredibly gifted and natural healers. They radiate love! The first thing you will notice about a Crystal child is their eyes, large, deep, and penetrating. They are extremely kind and sensitive. These children are connected to the spiritual realm, many of them see and talk to angels, they are usually picky eaters preferring healthy foods, fruits and vegetables. They prefer whole foods of the earth over junk food. Of course they will indulge ice cream and treats too, they are children!
Many of them have delayed speech patterns and many are diagnosed with autism. They have the ability to communicate telepathically and can do quite well. These children are extraordinarily gifted, many child geniuses are being born in this group. They are multi-talented, creative and our future healers. Many Crystal Children have the gift of healing even as a child. They are so full of love and have such pure hearts that their mere presence on earth lifts the vibration and helps us to raise consciousness. Crystal Children have more activated DNA strands than adults. It's not uncommon for Crystal Children to be fascinated with crystals and rocks. Crystal children intuitively know about the magical properties of crystals and how to use them for healing.
Indigo and Crystal Adults
As our consiousness rises many of us adults are become more Indigo and more Crystal. As our consciousness evolves, we become more full of love and light and our hearts become purer. As we purify our hearts and hold more light, we activate more of our DNA and devolop more of our talents and gifts and become more "Christ like". In some ways we are all becoming more Crystal and Indigo. Our world is making an evolutionary leap into consciousness and as we as a group raise our own vibration, we raise the vibration of the planet and create a better world.
Healing for Children
I have conducted many Healing Sessions for children. I see in my sessions how early children pick up limiting beliefs from parents. Judgements, divorce and custody disputes can affect them. Children are precious and its unfortuante to see their beliefs clouded by disaproval and lack of affection when they are so full of love. Many Indigos suffer a from a lot of rage from having to fit in to a traditional system and not being able to fully express themselves. If they have suffered emotional traumas it always helps to release those before they become adults.
They can also greatly benefit from an Intensive Healing session. I know how frustrating it can be to raise and Indigo and the countless hours spent in doctors offices and with counselors. Many of these kids can also end up in the juvenile system and spend a lot of time in the counseling office at school. Many of them don't finish school but don't let that worry you too much. They are full of potential!
The sessions can help them release rage, reconnect spiritually, and have a sense of purpose and direction that will help them get on the right path. For older children I prefer to always have their permission. Healing is always the most effective when someone wants it for themselves.
Rebecca Jenkins is an Intuitive Energy Healer. She performs remote healings successfully around the world. Her goal is to help others attain health, happiness, and love in all areas of their lives. She can be reached at

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