Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Difference Between Soul Mates and Twin Souls

People often confuse the terms soul mate and twin soul/twin flame.
They are not the same thing.
Soul mates are key relationships we experience within this lifetime and in lifetimes lived before. These can include friendships, romances, professional affiliations and many other types of relationships. Edgar Cayce often referred in his readings to soul groups, which are groups of people who incarnate together, over and over again. This means my present child might have been my parent in another lifetime. My lover might have been my sister. My parent might have been my teacher. And so on and so forth.
Both you and your soul group slip in and out of key roles from lifetime to lifetime in order to help all souls within the group learn valuable lessons. Usually at the beginning of new incarnations each soul within the group draws up sacred contracts or agreements, and these contracts include scenarios the souls will play out on their own and with each other in order to learn these lessons. The members of this group, then, are soul mates. Each and every one of us is a part of a soul group.
Twin souls are also called twin flames, and are a different matter entirely. For the purposes of this article we will refer to these relationships as twin flame relationships. Some feel that we only have one twin flame. This has nothing to do with lifetimes; we do not change twin flames from lifetime to lifetime: we always have the same one.
There is a complete and unshakable recognition of the twin when it occurs. The attraction and communion is undeniable, unbreakable and unconditional. These relationships are not without conflict of course, but all conflict between twin flames can and will be resolved. It is the purpose of both souls to spend their lives (and lifetimes) together, and once a person encounters their twin flame that is precisely what they will do.
Plato asserts through the character Aristophanes in Symposium that "in the beginning" each individual was actually two, with two sets of arms (therefore four), two sets of legs (therefore four) and two sets of genitalia (therefore two). The gods, fearing these humans would somehow overpower them, decided essentially to split them apart. Plato's idea in this regard, while steeped in mythology and evocative fictional imagery, is not too far off the mark in terms of how some presently believe.
It is thought that we were created with a double. It is thought that we, doubled, were indeed separated at some point in the creation process, and that our split-apart is ever seeking us out. Like the pull of a magnet, we are inextricably and completely drawn to them, whether through dimensions or lifetimes. When we arrive at the discovery of this twin, the connection cannot be severed.
Does everyone have a soul mate? Not only is the answer yes, but the answer is yes -- everyone has many soul mates.
Does everyone have a twin flame? That is subject to belief and interpretation.
Personally, I believe that each person does have a twin flame, though I am not sure I subscribe to the method of their creation (being created in doubles and then split apart, etc.). Rather, I feel that each and every one of us does in fact have one truly special and important relationship that stands above all other relationships. We may not always meet our twin flame in each incarnation, but the connection itself never dies.
Is our twin flame the opposite sex (or same sex if we are homosexual)? Again, no one can be sure. My ultimate thought is that this relationship can be any relationship -- be it friendship, parent-child, lover -- yet due to the intense intimacy involved in love relationships, we are likely to encounter them as lovers.
Irrespective, while soul mate and soul group connections are indeed very important and integral to our spiritual development, the twin flame connection is the most significant relationship we will ever experience.
Crystal Milligan is a certified psychic reader and coach and a metaphysical writer and teacher. She lives and works in Denver, Colorado, and offers psychic readings and spiritual teaching at her website,
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