Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Organizing With Feng Shui

The definition of Feng Shui literally means "wind" (feng) and "water" (shui). It is the Chinese name for an intuitive, practical art that seeks to bring people and their environment into the most positive relationship.
Living a lifestyle that combines the Feng Shu goals of harmony, serenity and peace can be quite beneficial for both you and your family. The practice of Feng Shu is an ancient art and science developed over 3000 years ago in China. It has become more popular in the West over the years because of it's minimalistic approach.
Feng Shui will work in your life and to make your life full of riches, loving relationships, successful careers, joy filled families, calmess, peacefulness and the time to experience them all.
When you are in a place of clutter you are stressed, depressed, and otherwise negative feelings overpower your life because of the chaos, clutter and unwanted energy you have in your life and your home.
Getting started with Feng Shui can be easy when you start with the Feng Shui basics and gradually move on to the more complex Feng Shui levels. Baby steps - that is what it takes to get you through your clutter and chaos.
Experiment with different ways and find what works best for you. For the daily or weekly use, you want an easy space clearing solution that after a while becomes almost a habit.
Before you can implement Feng Shui into your life, you must first clear the clutter. Your life would improve tremendously if only you can free yourself from the devastating amount of things you have in your home and life.
When you undertake any organizational task, there are three key components that will come into play; which includes sorting what you keep, what to give away and most importantly what you dispose. Even more importantly maintaining and staying organized in your space, and I will show you how to do that. The initial process of organizing may be time consuming but the results will be well worth.
Experiment with different ways and find what works best for you. For the daily or weekly use, you want an easy space clearing solution that after a while becomes almost a habit.
Once you open up to the willingness to relinquish control, face your fears, and allow the changes that are needed to take place in your life, the obstacles that once served as a deterrent will be lifted because they will no longer be needed. The age-old wisdom of the Chinese adage states that there are five main factors that will determine your life: destiny, luck, Feng Shui, accumulated good deeds and... education. Learn to draw on all of them and you will maximize your life's potential.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Margo_M_Rosa

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