Thursday, October 25, 2012

Beginner Witchcraft Spells And Rituals

You should try to start with some simple constructive spells. These are used when the mood is full and bright. You can cast luck spells, money and relationship related spells. Be sure to use additional things such as candles, herbs and leaves, to make your spells more powerful and concise. A simple spell you could start with is a candle spell. Candle spells can be as elaborate or as simple as you make them. Here is an example: You will need one gold candle (for happiness) a picture or symbol that signifies happiness to you. You will start the spell by lighting the gold candle and putting your symbol of happiness in front of you now meditate think about when you were the happiest in your life bring forth these wonderful happy warm feelings invoke the emotion you felt at that time. Now say aloud: "I wish to be as happy as I was then, I ask of the powers that be please hear my plea, set me free from all the negativity that has been placed onto me. Let me be up lifted by the winds. May each day I be impressed upon by the beauty of the sun and the kindness of a friend. May I hear the call of the bird's sweet song and the open warmth of a long day's end. I am happy now; I replace my negative thoughts with the simple wonder of life. May I be open to what beauty the universe has to offer. I will do my best to be open to the good within each day so mote it be.
Purification spells must be used in witchcraft. In fact, this is the first spell you will have to use in any ritual, as you gain the blessing of the invoked deity or entity. Be sure to get it right, as the rest of the ritual or spell can prove useless without it.
The three leaves spell is used to protect a person against bad thoughts and bad intentions. You will need to lay the leaves in a triangle in order for the spell to work. Drop some oil on them and start the incantations.
Also, be sure to practice a simple ritual from time to time to release you from negative energies. You will need a white, a green and a black candle for this. Say the incantations right as you light the candles one by one. Be sure you have the order of the candles right. You should feel a lot better after that and you will be ready for more complicated spells and rituals. A purification spell can be as simple as burning a white candle and patchouli incense. Read all the information that you can find on witchcraft ask questions research the different aspects of the craft and you will find that your magic works will get easier and stronger in time.
Kim Brown is a heireditary witch. She writes books and teaches classes on witchcraft. You can find more information on witchcraft here [] Sign up for our FREE newsletter!
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