Monday, May 24, 2010

Abduction by Aliens - Common Experiences Shared by Victims

Abduction cases involving aliens are a part of a worldwide phenomenon that requires further extensive research to confirm the validity of each report. Reaching from 1961 to 2005, there has been a total of 40 reported and published articles about alien abductions. To date, this mystery that is brought by these abductions is still under research and is not fully understood. Other cases of abductions may just simply go unreported. In this article, our aim is to understand the basic experience that is shared by the people whose lives are changed by this quite unique and yet troublesome event. Here are some facts to give you a better understanding of the collective experiences of the victims of alien abduction.

The abduction usually starts where the person-to-be abducted experiencing a strange bright white light either in the sky, field or even their bedrooms. There have been reports of electrical appliances going haywire. The person-to-be abducted then becomes paralyzed and is only able to move their eyes while noticing other worldly beings coming out from the bright light. These 'chosen' people are then dragged or beamed into the alien craft.

Once transported inside the alien craft or ship, the person abducted is laid down on a bed with all his clothes stripped off. The aliens proceed to perform physical examinations such as probing the human body's orifices, extracting body fluids, and taking cells or tissues of the human body as well as egg samples. Abducted persons have also been reported to say that they have implants that are buried deep inside of their noses, hands, feet of eyelids.

Communication while the abduction is going on is very limited. Any form of it may occur as mental telepathy. The aliens are not exactly forthright about their visits and the reasons for the abduction are not disclosed. Victims often recall that they are being put under a hypnotic trance where the aliens become a part of their minds. It is agreed by most victims that the communication is generally inaudible or spoken in an incomprehensible language. There are no communications between abducted humans as well. Once the aliens are satisfied with their little experiment, victims are returned back to the place where they were taken before or simply discharged outside the alien craft.

Post abduction syndrome is often manifested in many of the abducted people who have the ability to recall the experience when placed under hypnosis. These symptoms include nightmares of the abduction incident, health deterioration, lost of time (from one and a half to two and a half hours), nose bleeds and sinus pain, and presence of unexplained bruises on the body. There is also the symptom where one looks at something and feels as though they are looking at something else.

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