Friday, May 14, 2010

Dark Conspiracies and Extraterrestrial Secrets, Part 2

The government is still trying to hide something and we the public would like to know what it is. Is the government afraid of something, and if so, what is it? There have been ideas circulating around that certain aliens might be hostile and there are also rumors of the possibility of an alien invasion. I'd like to know who is sending these crazy ideas into public circulation, anyway. Is it the conspiracy crackpots, or are fanatical whistleblowers leaking it out? Quite possibly, certain people that were once on the inside, who knew certain secrets, are now on the outside, and are labeled dangerous to national security. These insiders-become-outsiders either spread the word verbally or they wrote fantastic books on the subject. In various ways the government has tried to discredit them, making them appear to be crackpots.

The government is attacking UFO advocates and believers, desperately discrediting flying saucer enthusiasts, in an attempt to silence them and likewise control the public, because there's obviously something we shouldn't know. If the government is that scared, maybe there is a threat of alien invasion. I doubt if the government just gets a kick out of keeping secrets from the public for no apparent reason. There's always a plausible reason, even if it's the government trying to protect its public against something dangerous or menacing, or at least to prevent mass panic. I suppose if that's the case, the government has a right to protect us. Especially if extraterrestrial intrusion has been taking place on our planet. But are they indeed protecting us? Cattle mutilations and alien abductions still persist and I see nobody preventing these events.

In fact, Philip J. Corso, author of The Day After Roswell, claims that UFOs were interfering with our affairs in space, such as our manned and unmanned probes, and our aircrafts in the skies, as electrical systems were being tampered with, or "pulsed" by nearby UFOs, not to mention flying discs were cited over many cities and military facilities. Even during the Cold War between the Soviets and the US, the "other cold war" took place between the military and extraterrestrials. He also says there were skirmishes out in space, primarily in our orbit, between our Air Force and the extraterrestrials, ever since the 1947 Roswell incident when it all began. In fact, he declares there has been a war in space for fifty years now! Is this somebody's idea of a harebrained practical joke, or is this the kind of scenario the government is hiding from us?

It's quite possible the military has been shooting down UFOs for decades, starting with the craft that crashed near Roswell. If you consider the rumors that the military has been defending us against intruding UFOs, this corroborates with other reports that this was the real reason for Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, otherwise known as "Star Wars," back in 1985. Hmmm. I think somebody was watching one too many Star Wars movies, and I don't think the Force was ever with them either!

Other assorted rumors state that the military has captured aliens from various crashes, live ones as well as dead. It is believed that these aliens are being stored in facilities such as Area 51. If this is true, perhaps their fellow aliens in the mother ship are pretty upset about it -- and the fact that we have been shooting their crafts down. These reasons alone could be enough for extraterrestrials to start a star wars, if not to blatantly invade our unsuspecting planet.

Is it possible that we live in a world where fantastic science-fiction possibilities could very soon become reality? If our first contact with aliens becomes an aggressive endeavor, would we be the cause in provoking this? Has our sense of fear and panic and a penchant toward warlike behavior provoked them? If we can simply be receptive, with open arms, demonstrating an attitude of peace and friendship, instead of fear and hostility, could things be different between us and the extraterrestrials? They very well may be watching us now, deciding what their next move should be. What are they thinking? "Let's watch them a little bit longer," or even, "Invade them!" or possibly, "Annihilate them entirely!" But if we're lucky, they'll just say, "There's no intelligent life down there after all. Let's go somewhere more exciting."

Some reports say there are aliens among us already, disguised as humans. In this case they would be infiltrating in our midst, and this would suggest a more subtle alien invasion, from the inside. This sounds like extraterrestrial espionage, with alien agents watching us from within, possibly preparing us for an invasion from without. How would you know if your neighbors, or your boss, your best friend, or worse, your spouse, were aliens in disguise?!

Actually, such ideas sound like the demented drivel of conspiracy theorists that watch too many science-fiction movies. I'm an open-minded skeptic, so I seriously doubt (vaguely) if there is going to be any kind of alien invasion of body-snatchers, or fleets of ginormous saucer ships whizzing by overhead, or any kind of harebrained scenarios suggested by such movies as War of the Worlds, or Independence Day, or the more ludicrous Mars Attacks!

I say it's all just a lot idiotic hype!

So if it's not extraterrestrial espionage, if it's not a war in space, and not an alien invasion from within or without, exactly what is the government hiding from us? Or is there something to these outrageous claims after all? Will we ever find out?

Holy mackerel! What's that I see outside my window? Oh. It's just the Goodyear blimp. Or is it?

The Truth behind Men in Black by Jenny Randles
The Day After Roswell by Col. Philip J. Corso
Saucers of the Illuminati by Jim Keith
Dreamland, a documentary about Area 51, on DVD

Copyright 2006 -2007 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. You can find further articles and short stories written by R. R. Stark at:

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