Saturday, May 15, 2010

Sylphs - Nature Spirits of the Earth

Sylphs are viewed as mythological creatures in much of Western tradition. According to the Middle Age beliefs of the Rosicrucians and Cabalists, sylphs are the elemental spirits of air, so named from the Greek silphe, meaning a butterfly or moth. The name and concept was popularized by Paracelsus, a Swiss physician, astrologer and philosopher who lived from 1493-1541. He is also credited with numerous medical texts and books of occult literature.

They are considered to be one of the four types of nature spirits: gnomes (earth element), sylphs (air element), undines (water element) and fiery salamanders (fire element). In many legends, sylphs are thought to create artistic renderings in the sky by transforming clouds into recognizable shapes. Sylphs are also said to be responsible for wind and certain types of storms and weather patterns.

According to some folklore tradition, they have a very broad wingspan and live in the high mountains of the earth. They are purported to be regal in manner and bearing. Most traditions view sylphs as immortal, non-physical beings. In modern times, the term "sylph" has also come to mean a lithe, graceful woman.

Some sources associated the sylphs with angels, including a possible connection between young sylphs and small cherubs. Angel overlords or devas are said to be in charge of the activities of sylphs. Others believe that sylphs function as messengers for both angels and other elementals.

Sylphs, along with other nature spirits, are guardians of the earth. The hierarchs of the sylphs are Aries and Thor. Sylphs are particularly involved in clearing the air of pollution and other chemical hazards. Sylphs play an important role in the spiritual world and in the maintenance of balance and purity for the physical platform of the earth for mankind's evolution.

Rose Greenwood is a freelance writer specializing in spirituality and natural health. For more information about sylphs and other nature spirits, and how we can assist them as they work on behalf of mankind please see The Hearts Center offers an opportunity for seekers to receive up-to-date inspiration from the ascended masters and other spiritual beings. To purchase books, CD's, DVD's, art, and more, please visit Learn about the ascension, karma and reincarnation, the benefits of meditation, the use of the violet laser light and much more.

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