Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Lost Key of Religion

The historicity of the Holy Scriptures isn't as important as its symbolism. In Chapter 18 of the Holy Qur'an, Musa (Moses) meets with the enigmatic figure known in Islamic tradition as Al Khidr. "Al Khidr" is a title meaning, "the Green One." Al Khidr possesses a higher degree of Knowledge than Moses.

Moses and Al Khidr meet at the "junction of the two seas." This symbolizes the point where "Moses Consciousness" meets "Christ Consciousness." Al Khidr attempts to initiate Moses into the higher Christ Consciousness, but Moses cannot comprehend and is unnerved by Al Khidr's seeming eccentricities.

Fittingly, the narrative of Moses and "the Green One" occurs in the chapter of the Qur'an designated as, "the Cave." The Ancients (Greeks, Druids, and Knights Templar) used caves for private initiation ceremonies. They viewed the cave symbolically as the Earth's Womb. The 'Arabic word for "womb" derives from the same root as the Holy Attributes Rahman and Raheem, which are translated as "Merciful, Gracious, Nourisher, and Sustainer."

Prior to his revelatory experience Muhammad often retreated to the cavern of Hira, and this is where he was initiated into the higher mysteries of Life. Secluded in a cave is where the esteemed Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai penned the great Kabbalistic text, Sepher ha Zohar (the Book of Radiant Enlightenment).

In Luke Chapter 15, Yahshua relates the Parable of the Lost Coin. The coin (a drachma) is silver representing purity. The Lost Coin parable is juxtaposed with the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Son.

The "Woman," who lights a lamp and sweeps the house from top to bottom, desperately searching for the lost coin, represents the aspirant who applies their mind to understand the Divine Spiritual Science. The "Lost Son" also represents the aspirant who, through perseverance, has found The Way back to (the True Knowledge of Self and) God. When the Lost Son returns "home" there is great rejoicing in the Kingdom of Heaven (Luke 15:10).

Yahshua masterfully illustrates three different portraits of the same lost thing: the Lost Key of Religion. The Lost Key of Religion is the Truth of the Divinity of Man, which is that Man is not just a part of GOD, but that Man is GOD on a lower level.

Elyah Israel is an author, visionary and the founder of CHRIST CONSCIOUS CENTRE ( CCC is a ministry devoted to the research, and developement of the Inner Christ -the True Realization of GOD in ourselves.

Elyah publishes books, articles, and essays dedicated to espousing the Gospel of the Inner Teaching. The Gospel of the Inner Teaching is a Salve of Healing for our world which is drunk with dogma and division and sick with superstition. CHRIST CONSCIOUS CENTRE advocates and promotes literacy and scholarship in Biblical Hebrew. Hebrew is the language that YAHWEH spoke, and the Original language in which the Holy Bible was written. The Hebrew Aleph Beyt is an ancient system of alphanumeric/ hieroglyphic symbols. When we explore this body of Wisdom we gain the mystical insight to think outside of the (traditional) box regarding Scriptural interpretations. The Knowledge contained in this Body of Wisdom is the Key to Understanding the inner meaning of the Holy Bible.

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