Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2012 Magnetic Polar Reversal - Is Earth Already Experiencing It?

The year 2012 is causing a lot of discussion amongst the scientific and the theorist population. December 21, 2012 is said to mark the beginning of a cataclysmic event that will trigger the Earth's demise. One of the reasons given for the fateful events that will cause the end of the world is the occurrence of a polar shift, or magnetic polar reversal.

Firstly, let's define in simplistic terms what a magnetic polar reversal is. It's an event that occurs when the north magnetic pole moves to the southern hemisphere/pole, and the south magnetic pole moves to the northern hemisphere/pole. A shift like this would have a catastrophic effect on Earth.

Scientists believe that a shift such as this takes thousands of years to complete. They believe that the Earth has already started this shift and evidence can be found on the ocean floor, by way of solidified lava crusts. As the earth moves at such a small degree, we are unable to notice it in our day to day workings.

If this shift continues to occur at such an indiscernible rate, one way of identifying it would be by checking compass readings. They may be ever so slightly off and produce inaccurate directions. These are not life threatening and can easily be compensated for. An example of this is the actual magnetic polar north is some distance from what we call the North Pole.

Another side effect of a polar shift that may have an effect on the Earth is an increase in cosmic rays. Already the Earth "allows" a small degree of these rays to enter the Earth's atmosphere, and we are able to see them as the Northern and Southern Lights. If a shift were to occur at a slight rate, it may increase the likelihood of lightening which can be a nuisance for aircraft. The climate would also continue to undergo change whereby the occurrence of drought, hurricanes and floods would become more and more prevalent.

Certainly the Earth is experiencing climate change already, and if it continues as many environmentalists believe, it will spell the end of sustainable life on Earth. But, what if we were to undergo a rapid polar shift? Whilst the scientists and environmentalists do not believe in the likelihood of that happening, there are a number of theologians that believe it is very likely to occur. This would spell disaster for planet Earth.

It's difficult to say the least to decipher what is indeed fact and what is fiction. The survivalist in me says that regardless of the fiction that may be prevalent in the theories circulating, I should still be aware of what the risks are and how to combat them. Below I have listed my choice for accurate sources available on line. My belief is that we should each arm ourselves with knowledge on the event, and only then can we dismiss or adopt the theories of what is predicted.

Do you want to know more on:
-Unearthing the truth about the "5th Age of Man" and the whether 2012 is an ending...or a much needed new beginning for us all?
-The real truth about Goverment Coverups, Swine Flu Pandemics and known natural disasters that are headed our way...and how people with power are not telling you everything they know..
-The I-Ching Prophecies... Mayan calendars... Hopi Indians teachings... Aztec calendars... On what subjects are they in sync? This might blow your mind!
If you want to make an educated decision about what YOU believe will happen in 2012 I urge you to visit 2012 Prediction.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Gladman

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