Monday, June 28, 2010

Edgar Cayce, Atlantis, and the Touch Lamp

You know, this is one of those topics that some people say they 'believe in,' or 'don't believe in,' while most think, "Pure speculation," or just plain, "Bunk!" But I have an answer to that. It has nothing to do with belief, it's whether or not it is real to you. You can 'not believe' that a certain tree is standing off to the side of the road, drive your car into it, total your car, and die, 'not believing' that the tree was really there. And the paranormal, supernatural, or spiritual side of life, is exactly the same. Belief doesn't make it real. You won't know whether it's real or not, until it's real to you.

This experience happened, and when it did, a new 'reality' was awakened in me. I didn't seek it out. I wasn't looking for it. I didn't expect it. But when it started happening, I did not believe, I knew.

A friend of mine was cleaning out her closet, came across 3 books that she felt were of no use to her, so, knowing I was interested in spiritual things, she called me up to ask if I would take them off her hands. All of these books were either about, or written by, Edgar Cacye, and one of them, about Atlantis, had been taken directly from the readings that Edgar Cacye gave to various people. My friend had told me that when she tried to read the book, she couldn't understand anything it said, but alone in the house one afternoon, I decided I would give it a shot, sat down at the kitchen table, coffee in hand, and commenced reading.

While it was true, that how it was written seemed obscure and cloaked, I was surprised that I seemed to 'tune in' to the intent behind the words, and was actually grasping what was being said. Very soon, I was thoroughly engaged in it, finding it utterly enjoyable. While the picture of how things were, started to come together, a distinct thought, like a small voice, came clearly into the back of my mind, and before I knew it, I found myself responding to it. "Go into your room," it suggested to me. "Why would I go into my room?" I heard myself questioning. "I have no reason to go into my room." This back-and-forth, continued for about 10 minutes, and finally, needing more coffee anyway, I got up, got my coffee, and went into my bedroom.

There was my cat, asleep on my bed, and right beside my bed was my night stand, with the touch lamp on it. Nothing unusual here. But what was unusual, was that the light was on. Now, it would not be unheard of for my cat to have walked across the night stand, and to have accidentally, touched the lamp, turning it on. But in the 7-8 years that I had owned the lamp, this had not happened. Yet here I was, looking at the lit-up lamp.

I would have just written it off as 'different,' and thought that the cat must have touched the lamp somehow, but what was disconcerting, was that voice I had heard. A suggestion, to go to my room for some reason unbeknownst to me. The two together, left a question unanswered within my mind. So I just took note of it, and walked back into the kitchen and commenced reading.

The following morning, I was awakened when the other lady who lived in the house with me, entered my room. She explained that when she had taken the dogs out to the bathroom in the middle of the night, she noticed that the light in my room went on. Thinking that something must be wrong, she got the dogs back to bed, and came into my room to see what was going on, only to find that I was fast asleep, with my bedside touch lamp on. She turned it off, went downstairs to bed, and now, was in my room to tell me what she had seen. However, when she went to explain the incident to me, she noticed that my bedside lamp was on. There was no question, she had definitely turned it off in the night, but now, here it was on again. So once again, I turned it off, and left it at that.

All things went along as normal, and so that afternoon, I sat down once again to continue reading the book. At some point I got up to get my second cup of coffee, and glancing into my room, just out of curiosity, there was my bedside light back on! This was becoming more than 'different,' it was uncanny feeling to it. All I could do was go into my room, turn it off, and keep reading. I did, and everything was normal.

That night, the same incident occurred. About the time the dogs had to go out, the other lady again noticed that my light came on. So putting the dogs to bed, she came into my room and turned it off. But again, the next morning, when she got up and glanced into my room, the light was back on.

This activity continued for the duration of my reading the book, which was over a period of about 5-7 days. One night, 'nature called,' and when I got up to go to the bathroom, I found my light on, and turned it off before climbing back into bed. The next morning, when I woke up, it was back on. On another night, after awakening to find my light on, and turning off again, I was awakened in the morning by a friend of mine entering my room. She had come over, and seeing my light on, assumed I was awake, and so opened my door. On and on it went. Every day I read the book, the light went on, and every night, it turned on at some point while we all slept. If I woke up and found it on, I turned it off, only to find it on again the next morning.

Then came the day when I finished the book. I had been doing a lot of research on the content I was taking in, and so, that night, I sat on the edge of my bed, starring out my bedroom window into the night sky, my mind flooded with the incredible time and society that Atlantis was. As I sat musing, I saw it. Out of the corner of my eye, a light flooded my view. Turning to see the source, my eyes landed on my bedside touch lamp, turning off, on, off, on. Not flickering like a candle, but going off and on as if someone was turning the switch - which of course, isn't on a touch lamp. I sat watching it for about 30 seconds, and finally just reached out and touched the lamp myself, turning it on, and then turning it off for the last time.

The lamp never turned on 'by itself' again. For the remainder of the 2-3 years that I had it, there was never any such activity again.

A Poltergeist, you might suggest. No. Poltergeist activity is not selective, and involves more than one activity. The New Universal Family Encyclopedia, one of my research books, describes a Poltergeist as a 'noisy, mischievous, and often destructive invisible agent that persecutes the occupants of a house, most commonly by throwing or moving objects. There was no such activity, nor did I sense any destructive presence in the house before, then, or since.

Had this just been an isolated incident, I would have brushed it off, but when I 'heard' this small persistent voice, or suggestion, to go into my room, and found this lamp on for no reason, and found it on repeatedly for the duration of my time reading the book, not even my mind could reasonably 'brush it off.' I knew what I had 'heard' within me, and because spiritual things are not foreign to me, I knew there was a connection between what the people of Atlantis were about, and what I (and others) would be doing in my time on this earth. There was a confirmation to this incident about 6 months later, but that's another article.

One of my friends could find nothing in the book of Atlantis that she understood, or that made sense. You might say she had reason not to 'believe' in it. Yet when I started reading it, it was like I grasped not the words, but the intent behind them, and so it literally unfolded its meaning to me. Our belief doesn't make anything real or not real, but what should be an accepted fact, is that no one knows everything about life. If you really know that, there's a whole dynamic waiting for you to experience it.

Brenda Brown

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