Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Past Lives - What Are They REALLY? (And How Can I Remember My Own?)

Have you lived a past life? Some of you think that's a pretty strange question, right? Others reading this probably think it's a foregone conclusion that you have. And others STILL... are not quite sure what they believe, or what the significance is either way! Curious to know more? Let's take a closer look immediately below!

What are past lives anyway?

Exactly what they sound like! The truth is, many religious traditions, as well as life "sciences" believe that the human soul, your spirit....lives on forever. But not only does it continue to exist after THIS life is over, it migrates from body to body in a perpetual process of learning new things, and evolving as a spiritual entity as well.

Do all religions believe in past lives and reincarnation?

Surprisingly... MANY do. As a matter of fact, while reincarnation is commonly associated with Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, it's actually a pretty prevalent teaching in more "advanced" Judeo Christian theology as well. Jesus spoke of reincarnation often...and some believe that the Pope, hundreds of years ago, REMOVED the references to future lives to help control the people living under the Churches rule.

(As it was believed that the notion of a FUTURE life might make it harder to control the people who were unhappy with their current incarnation)

The KABALLAH, the mystical teachings of Judaism, have MUCH to say about past lives and future lives as well....and reincarnation is a firm piece of the puzzle that it teaches, from the growth of the spirit from one life to the next.

What do NEW AGE leaders, teachers and mentors say about past lives?

A lot! As a matter of fact, there are a number of psychics, and professional psychiatrists alike that teach that the BEST way to heal yourself in THIS life is through understanding where you've been in a previous one... Did you know that Harvard Psychiatrist and author, speaker Brian Weiss has successfully regressed thousands of people to previous lives where they've HEALED themselves of current CHROMIC problems, simply by realizing that many fears, phobias and insecurities are spiritual "baggage" from a previous life? How about Gary Zukav... the famous author of the "Seat of the Soul", who many of us have seen repeatedly on day time TV?

Or what about famous psychics... who have been able to help ORDNARY people have extraordinary experiences by seeing our past lives in full color, detail and elaborate experience....even if we were completely skeptical before? The truth is, your spirit truly IS eternal, and you can (and should) be willing to explore where you've been before to learn what you are HERE to learn, accomplish and achieve. (because without that... you'll NEVER realize or recognize your true potential in THIS life for sure!)

My TOP recommendation?

Get a past life psychic reading BEFORE doing anything more "intense" like a regression or hypnosis session. A reading is quick, easy and amazing... and can often give you an incredible feeling of enlightenment in 15 or 20 minutes... ALL from the comfort of your own home, too!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tina_Bardo

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