Friday, January 7, 2011

Candle Burning Basics

Question: What are some basics on how to understand how my candle is burning when I burn it for a reason other than ambiance?

Answer: Following is a list of basic clues as to how to read your candle...


Bright flame means the energy is strong and being clearly sent into the universe. Your question, or reason for burning the candle, is in alignment with what you are actually asking. Sometimes we plan to burn a candle for something, but our energy, mind or intention is actually something else. This will create a hazy or clouded flame.

The size of the flame also indicates the nature of energy being sent out. A large flame indicates more passion, emotion, strength or energy present, while a small flame or one that flickers in and out, indicates weakness, lack of energy or risk.


  • When a candle burns with no smoke, it means there is little to burn away from the core issue, or main reason you are burning the candle.
  • White smoke is indicative of the positive energy and people flowing to support the wish.
  • Black smoke indicates the release or presence of negative energies or blockages.
  • Smoke may also be read (we call this scrying) as images may appear to support the answering of your question.


Pay attention to how any wax may leak from the candle during a burn. The number of spots the candle "leaks" are significant as well as the direction in which they flow from the candle and how they settle on the candle holder.

Often images may appear in the wax as it is melting (another form of scrying), or as it cools on the candle holder. Pay attention to the images you see, even if they don't appear to be "clear" to you. Your first glimpse is often the most significant one! There is really no text to help you accurately define what you are reading, as the results are entirely based on your question, and what the images ultimately mean to you.

The only person you might wish to read for you would be someone who has actually created or dressed the candle for you. They would have an impartial and clear picture of what was present as they read.


The direction your wick is pointing also has significance. Each direction carries a specific vibration, and based on the direction the wick ends facing, you will be able to determine the nature of your answer.

  • North: manifestation, creation, abundance, acceptance, god
  • East: clarity, vision, focus, new beginnings
  • South: passion, joy, fertility, sensuality, goddess
  • West: flow, flexibility, movement, emotions, ancestors

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