Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Is Awakening? - Explaining the Two Types of Awakening

The word "awakening" is being tossed around a lot these days but what exactly is awakening? Some say that awakening is about gaining greater awareness of reality outside of the limiting confines of the mind. (However, I would replace the word "mind" with "current belief systems," as you can't have greater awareness without involving the mind, the conscious awareness, in some way.)

Let us look at this more common use of the word awakening first. To "awaken" is "to be made more aware of." I can think of lots of things you can become more aware of. For example, you can become more aware, more conscious of: humanity's true origins, the interconnectedness of all things, how one can heal the body and the emotions, the solar system and galactic cycles that influence what happens on earth, the mainstream beliefs in every system and industry that masquerade as truths, and so on. You can focus on one area or another depending on your individual purpose and interests.

There is another type of awakening that one hears about much less often and yet it is much more important to humanity's evolution right now. This other form of awakening has to do with fulfilling YOUR higher life purpose and gaining confidence in your connection with the divine. In fact, if you activate this second, deeper form of awakening, the first form will be almost on automatic, on overdrive.

It is only until you 1.) fulfill your higher life purpose by following through with your inner guidance and 2.) gain complete confidence in yourself and in your connection to the divine so that you are not derailed from your path (despite the obstacles in the way and/or what the "experts" say), that you can consider yourself more than just skimming the surface of the awakening process.

Your goal is to get to a point where you have such confidence in your connection with the divine (your higher self being your bridge or access point to the divine) that you would follow your inner guidance even if you had a panel of experts telling you to do otherwise. (This kind of confidence does not come from wishful thinking or even positive thinking, but is based on creating repeated, tangible results over time with the "cooperation" of the universe and the divine plan, as well as on seeing and understanding deeper truths that others can't see just yet.)

This deeper form of awakening is a process rather than a spontaneous event and has to do with awakening to your inner power. You can have a "spontaneous awareness" about something or other, but you cannot activate and develop this deeper aspect of awakening overnight.

Becoming more aware of what's happening in different areas on the planet is all helpful and good, but for the awakening process to really kick in in your life, what is necessary and important is to reconnect and integrate with your higher self and to follow your inner guidance promptly and consistently so that you find yourself fulfilling your higher self's plan, your soul's contract.

Matthew, channeled by Suzanne Ward, explains that it is easier to create a plan in spirit than to fulfill that plan once you incarnate on earth: "It is easier to make those selections during a lifetime in spirit than it is to activate them once you incarnate in a third density world with all the external influences that can muffle or completely drown out messages from your soul to your consciousness, messages intended to guide your free will decisions in line with your soul contract...Once back in the spirit world, the soul reviews its past life, realized that once again it veered from its contract and chooses the same learning experiences during the next embodiment. This can go on for hundreds or more physical lifetimes in a third density world before balance is achieved and the soul can move on to fourth density."--November 6, 2010, New Message from Matthew, channeled through Suzanne Ward

It is not easy to fulfill your soul's contract, but it is easier than ever due to the help that is available right now in the form of channeled messages such as Matthew's, as well as real-life examples and clear step-by-step guidance provided by those, like the author, who have experienced the process. Fulfilling your soul's contract at this important time in humanity's evolution is what awakening is about, and also what will create a new world.

Are you ready to reconnect with your higher self? Subscribe at and receive a free 7-page report on how to reconnect to and integrate with your higher self. Christine Hoeflich is the author of What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening, a detailed account of her awakening process and Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity--an ebook that raises your consciousness and gives you all the keys to finally fulfill your dreams.

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