Friday, January 7, 2011

The Great Shift - Why Survive When You Can Thrive?

This article discusses how the Great Shift that humanity awaits will come about, and what's important to know so that you not only survive this shift, but thrive in it. It was inspired by reading a transcript of a recent "Wynn Free Conference Hour Show" (November 1, 2010), where a caller asked Wynn to explain why money was so tight and why so many people are having a tough time making ends meet.

Wynn Free responded that in his book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? (co-authored with David Wilcock), David channeled that "things were going to get incredibly tough, and that there was a very positive reason for this. That is, we're supposed to be aiming at graduating this realm. But--there's an aspect of people that won't go through change until they're backed up against a wall....They'll do everything to protect themselves even though by going through the pain, they will find what they're really looking for." (I changed a few words for clarity.)

Wynn is absolutely right, and what he said is worth repeating (and letting it sink in): "There is a very positive reason for things getting incredibly tough." A corollary to this is: There is a very positive reason for our difficult experiences on this earth.

However, that times will get worse before they get better is not a message that's welcome by many right now, particularly since the onslaught of "secrets" and "spiritual laws" that promise wonders--if only you can keep yourself focused on the positive.

I know from personal experience that the fastest way to spiritual transformation and breakthrough-level growth is through hardship, pain and chaos. In fact, I went through some difficult challenges years ago so that I could share what I learned to make the path smoother and easier for others. And I have known for some time now that this message would not get widely embraced--not until people felt themselves backed up against a wall.

I can understand this; I was in the same boat about 9 years ago. I did not consciously choose what happened back then and neither did I feel my crisis was the result of poor choices; in fact I observed myself being set up for the disaster (recording the events on paper) even while higher beings who called themselves the Counsel of Light (channeled through a medium) explained to me that I was on an extremely important mission to help humanity and everything I needed to fulfill that mission I had within me.

I went through several months of "kicking and screaming," even threatened to abandon my mission if the Counsel of Light didn't promptly intervene on my behalf--until I saw how absurd that was. Then, realizing that nothing outside of myself could help me, I vowed to reconnect to my higher self and follow my inner guidance religiously, even though I wasn't aware of exactly how one would go about doing that. But I figured it out over time and ultimately, I discovered so much more than what I was looking for! (Can you see the huge gift this is?)

I won't pretend that I actually enjoyed the tough times. It was horribly painful and frightening at times--and I was in it for years. (I had to put a new understanding of life together before I had more peace in my life). But my pain and fears fueled my ambition so that it wasn't long before I began to experience the amazing synchronicities and new insights that motivated me to keep going down this path. And ultimately, I wrote two books that detail the steps needed to reconnect to and integrate with your higher self so that you can have direct access to the Creator so that you will never ever be so manipulated again, or have to go through this experience ever again. (That's why it's called the Great Shift.) Frankly, I could not have written half of it had it not been for the disasters, and the family and friends who fueled my determination by being hard on me.)

For years I had almost no one I could talk to about this (the Counsel of Light being the voice of a medium over the telephone), and the few friends that remained couldn't really relate. So it is with gratitude (and a sense of triumph) that Wynn Free and David Wilcock, in their own way, are communicating what I have been communicating the last few years.

It is interesting that several friends and acquaintances (most of whom are well educated) are experiencing tough challenges at the moment. Highly educated, law-abiding citizens with PhDs, master's degrees and/or professional careers are finding themselves in truly bizarre, painful and challenging circumstances. The numbers will grow--but the more empowering way to view this is: this is the quickest way to a new world that works for everyone.

Many are saying that humanity is on the verge of the Great Shift--but how exactly will this Great Shift come about? Through the crises and challenges we are experiencing and will experience in the next couple of years. (Because I am certain that the angels or higher beings will not rob us of the incredible experience of saving ourselves.)

Are you ready to learn how to prepare for 2012? Subscribe at and receive a free 7-page report on how to reconnect to and integrate with your higher self. Christine Hoeflich is the author of What Everyone Believed: A Memoir of Intuition and Awakening, a detailed account of her reconnecting process and Activating 2012: A Practical Guide to Navigating 2012 with Confidence and Clarity, an ebook that raises your consciousness and gives you all the keys to finally fulfill your dreams.

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