Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mysterious Crop Circles Predict Worldwide Disaster for 2012

Crop Circles appear in different parts of the world but you see many more stories about the crop circles that appear in the area of Wiltshire County in the United Kingdom. It is believed by researchers that the main reason for this is that Stonehenge is a nearby neighbor to the County of Wiltshire.

It is a fact that over 90% of the crop circles that appear to be beyond human ability to create are located in the areas surrounding Stonehenge. How are these two things related to the predicted end of the world in 2012?

The crop circles near and around Stonehenge form complex mathematical configurations, and they point, for lack of a better word to Stonehenge.

The same thing occurs in Ohio where the Great Serpent Mound is skirted by nearby fields where crop circles have appeared and they point toward the Head of the Serpent. The head of the serpent aligns with the setting sun of the summer solstice.

All of these landmarks and the Mayan cities in Guatemala are also built over the great magnetic fields of the Northern Hemisphere. The purpose of these landmarks being built into, and from the earth itself is to mark the astronomical and seasonal events of the planet, which all seems to connect to the passing of time.

This incredible phenomenon is truly mind-boggling. The implications are disturbing and frightening. The truth is clearly going to make itself known either in an abrupt, violent way or by events so powerful we simply know that things are "never going to be the same".

Though it is complex to explain, the research indicates that the Mayan calendar, which ends on that date, and the Hopi Indians both predict the ending of the world as we know it. The bible predicts virtually the same thing.

How this is going to destroy the planet has been a mystery up until researchers figured out that the planets in our solar system are all going to line up with a black hole on 12/21/12.

The effect of this event could be complete devastation and wide spread upheaval of the planet, possibly even altering or destroying the axis the earth rotates on. I don't know about you but that sounds pretty bad to me! Many people think the whole thing is a hoax, and perhaps it will turn out to be just another ordinary day, but, what if it isn't? Do you have a plan B?

For more information and ongoing updates on 2012 Predictions please visit

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