Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pisces Explains: Evolution During the Piscean Era

We, the Zodiac constellations aren't Gods and Goddesses ourselves. We follow the directions of the God of Will and the Goddess of Love, the real leaders of this sector of the universe. The Gods take turns being on the universal stage. The Zodiac constellations express ourselves during our time, influenced by whose turn it is.

God of Will was My Leader

During my last reign of 2100 years, the God of Will was the major transmitter of energy with the Goddess of Love being in the background, in full support. With the God of Will being in command, each of the Zodiac teachers had the purpose of ensuring that you developed your strength and power to be able to manifest the visions of God.

That's all changing now and the God of Will is starting his turn over to the Goddess of Love. I'll be expressing myself differently now starting this year. However, let's talk about my 2100 year reign, when I was expressing myself through my masculine side, conveying the God of Will's messages.

Pisces Idealism and Love

What I was entrusted with during my tenure was to transmit these, my energies of Idealism and Love in such a way that the God of Will's objectives could be met.

God of Will Could Become Manifested

That means I would stimulate the Idealism and Love qualities within you that would ensure that you developed your strength, courage and power to the zenith. That's how I helped the God of Will to become fully manifested in the physical realm.

Roles to Develop God-Like Qualities

You were like actors and actresses in a play, with the script being Goodness Triumphs Over Evil. The roles available for you to play were victim, villain and hero which, if played well, would ensure you developed God-like qualities.

Victim on the Side of Goodness

Obviously, the victim was the beginning role, as you were not strong, courageous or powerful enough to take care of yourself. However, you were on the side of Goodness and through your experiences as a victim, it was preparation for the ultimate hero role when you would be able to save victims like yourself. As the victim though, you did develop your goodness, your idealism or faith in goodness would triumph. And you were able to express your love for the hero or the ultimate hero, God. This was not a time about you, discovering your inner love. It was about the outer.

Villain More Advanced Role

The villain role was also a beginning role, even though more advanced than the victim role. You developed your strength and your power. You were on the side of Evil and the game was set up by the God of Will in such a way that you would not be a consistent winner. However, the more adept that you became in this role, would be great preparation for your upcoming hero role one day or one lifetime.

Ultimate Role The Hero

The ultimate role was the hero role with two different stages; first as a junior hero that would develop by saving the victims. Now all those years or lifetimes as a victim would be most helpful, and this is where you would further open your heart as you saved the weak.

Then you would progress to triumphing over the villain that was abusing and taking advantage of the weaker. The trap for the villain was that he was not further developing his strength, but succumbed to the trap of trying to prove his strength by touting it over the weaker. And as the hero developed his strength by becoming more and more courageous, no matter how it started out, the hero would eventually overtake the villain who had not continued to develop his strength and thus had become weaker.

Creators of Game

Alright, now you have the script of Goodness Triumphs Over Evil and its players of the victim, villain and hero. The game itself, the script, the roles; these belonged to the creators of the game, The God of Will and the Goddess of Love. They designed the game in such a way that by playing the game, each of you has the opportunity to develop their attributes, becoming like them. That's why they planned the game in the beginning, to create Gods and Goddesses like them. Then they would have individuals like themselves to be personally involved and creators of the evolutionary expansion of this universe.

Love Energy

Now here comes my part, my own creativity. For 2100 years, I sent you so much Love energy for the God of Will that your consciousness was a flame with desire to be one with God and to emulate everything about the God you idealistically envisioned. Some of you even married yourself to God, becoming a nun, priest, lama or monk. Your love for God or Allah or whatever word that meant God or the God of Will went beyond your family, yourself even. Some personalized God to sitting on a white throne in an idealistic heaven with streets lined of gold, pearly gates. Evil became personalized also as a Devil.

Died for Your Love of God

What was important was with your Love for the God of Will being so strong; you had the passion to develop your courage, strength and power. Many of you became true heroes, ones of strength, fighting for goodness as you saw it. You expressed yourself as hero warriors, soldiers and died for your love of God. You fought honorably in crusades, wars, acquiring more territories.

Fighting on the Side of Good

If you considered yourself a good person and fighting on the side of Good, then naturally the other person or country you were fighting, you would have to see them as on the side of Evil. That's the way the script worked, Goodness Triumphed Over Evil. It did get tricky sometimes, because most of the time, both sides thought they were on the side of Good and God was guiding them.

It's true; the God of Will was urging both onward to become strong, courageous, and powerful. You developed your idealism to the fullest when you were willing to die for your idealism, for your version of God. Death was seen as the ultimate sacrifice of yourself, to die for what you believed in. Just look at how many religions came into being during my time, all with great idealisms, all with their own idealisms of God, and ways to become one with God.

Attributes of Idealism Energy

Let's look at some of the attributes or qualities of Idealism. How about honor, respect, loyalty, inspirational, goodness, romanticism, optimism, perfection, purity, principles, integrity, justice, sacrifice, devotion, faith to name a few when fully matured? You go through one experience after another, progressing from the victim, through the villain and finally to the hero role when these become mature, really beneficial qualities.

Progression of Idealism

Depending on the expression of these qualities, announces what role you are currently playing. For example, let's look at Idealism itself. If you are idealistic to a fault, a real Pollyanna, you clearly are playing the victim role and draw to you villains to take advantage and abuse you or heroes to save you. If you take your idealism to the fanatical stage, you become a villain, killing or trying to convert others all in the name of your idealism, usually God.

Love Energy During Piscean Era

Love was more an ideal of the outer, of God or religion. Even your partner was based on an ideal of who you thought the other person was or should be and then tried to put that person into your idealized romanticism. No wonder when you got up close, the person quickly fell from the pedestal you had put the person on.

You Saw Just Your Flaws

If you tried to look inside during this time, you saw your flaws, your imperfections which caused you not to feel good about yourself. You tried to fix yourself, usually through being stronger, more disciplined, purer, sacrificial which worked within its context. However, the energy you were using was Will not Love. That's the next step.


Hopefully, you now understand why this era was a patriarchal time, one when men were in charge. They indeed were the stronger species in terms of brawn and strength. Women were more the supporters, just like the Goddess of Love stayed in the background, the support for the God of Will to manifest their game in the physical realm.

About the Author
Loy is a master storyteller, an accomplished astrology researcher and practitioner; relationship specialist and published author. Sign up for her FREE Zodiac signs and forecasts newsletter. Use the monthly energies to enhance your relationships and daily life. Visit Loy at You can also hear about her new publication on

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