Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ritual Magic - The Four Directions

There are four quarters in circle casting for rituals. Ceremonial magic often uses the use of the four directions of the circles when casting magic. For centuries spell casters have drawn upon the directions to help them to connect with the energy they are calling upon. The "Quarters" are honored by Pagans and Witches and often referred to as the elements of nature as they represent Fire, Earth, Air and Water. You will also hear the "Quarters" referred to as the Watchtowers, elements, corners, quarters, etc.

Calling the Quarters:

Prior to calling the quarter you must know what your intentions are. 1- who are you calling upon (inviting) and 2. What is the purpose of the calling, to aid? To join in? To protect?

When calling the quarters, you want to be certain that the reflection of your wording is properly reflected.

You will then perform a chant, such as:

O spirits of the East-Air, South-Fire, West-Water or North-Earth (the direction of the quarter)
Ancient one of Air, Fire, Water or Earth (the element)
I call upon you to join this circle
Enhance this with your powers
Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East-Air, South-Fire, West-Water or North-Earth (the direction of the quarter)
Powers of Air, Fire, Water or Earth
I invoke you and call upon you
Come, be here now.

To the (direction- Fire, Air, Earth or Water) I ask for the element of (name) and (name of deity, totem or archangel) to be with me, to guide and to guard and to be witness to this magic.

There are many elements in magic. Some practitioners strictly work with elemental energy not relying upon the calling the angels. The elemental energies are visualized such as for Air you might visualize the clear blue sky and so on. Some work with the source directly.

Quarter calls are used in spell casting to draw upon the energy and to create a circle of protection. The four quarters, Earth, Fire, Water and Air draws upon the four elements which are the powers of the universe.

Magic is a powerful energy and must be used wisely. There are both white and back magic each being two very powerful forms of magic. While black magic is malicious, white magic is pure and strictly for the intent of good.

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