Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2012 Government - Is There a Conspiracy?

Information about the end of the world and mankind is found everywhere most especially in the internet. The most popular and specific date of the said gloom will be on December 21, 2012. This is the date that the Mayan calendar ends. Nostradamus predicted disasters on or before this date as well as many cultures also participated in this belief.

Many people are speculating on how the world will end. They base it on one of Nostradamus' prophecies about a planet that will come close to earth and could effectively alter the earth's gravitational pull and end up knocking the earth off its axis. It will also cause the earth's crust to be torn and natural disasters will kill all except for a small percentage of people. These people are thought to have already been chosen and the government is supposed to protect them.

A controversy about that small percentage of people who will be saved became a question. Conspiracy theories also arise. One of the most popular conspiracy theories is that the government will secretly protect a few thousand people in order to preserve the future of mankind. The ones that are supposed to belong in this group are the people in power of our governments, those that are of child bearing age and healthy, and those that can keep technology from disappearing.

These chosen ones will be protected in bunkers that have been set up and supplied with necessities to contain hundreds of survivors for a few years. This bunker will act as shelter to protect those who are living within.

Aside from those chosen people, other valuables that will be stored in the bunkers are seeds for growing fruits and vegetables. The seeds will start a new life and will feed many families in the future. Some estimates that it will be years before the soil is able to sustain life, if it ever returns to that state.

A theory such as this one seems impossible to fathom. Is the government doing its part to do whatever is necessary in order to maintain calm among the population after the speculations about the end of the world? If so, then who will be the chosen few that they will save?

There is zero scientific evidence that anything will happen, but there are numerous things that could easily threaten the human species even before the year 2012. There are possibilities of nature taking its toll against human, an asteroid strike or something more intimate like a flu pandemic, or a nuclear war. Nothing is ever predictable in this life, only readiness for everything.

Zoraya loves to explore varied topics, analyze and write them. Find out more about Government 2012 - Conspiracy? at the website about ==> 2012 Predictions where you can find a lot of useful information if you want to glimpse into the theories and truth about the past and the future.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zoraya_Tonel

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