Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dejavu and the Human Super Computer

Time is merely a human concept, a conscious construct that we use to try an discover the meaning of things. The same can be said for traveling into the future to see what the world will be like in 50 years. The only point in time that exists is "Now". There is no past and there is no future. I will explain those two points, because I know that some of you who read this will have a hard time trying to believe this statement when conceiving of a past and future are so easily done. I should say conceiving only of a future, the past we do not need to conceive of because we all have it committed to memory. There in lies my point about time. It is our memories that have lead us all to the fallacies regarding time. I will provide a brief overview of these points further in the next section. For now I want to focus on the introduction of my current topic and that is Dejavu. I am sure that we are all familiar with Dejavu. It is the intense feeling of having been somewhere before or performed an action that you recall seeing in a dream. Many of my Dejavu experiences have been in the form of dreams. While some of us may only have a few Dejavu events in their lifetime others may have none at all. I, on the other hand, have very intense Dejavu events rather frequently throughout my life. There have been many times where I have been somewhere or doing something and I know that I had seen it all before. This poses a problem for me, because I know that it is possible to see future events and yet I do not believe the future exists. So, I had to ask myself; "How is it possible to see future events, when the future does not exist"? Fortunately I was able to formulate a hypothesis that satisfies this least for me.

The True Nature of Time (A brief Overview)

The easiest way to understand how I view time is to think of the human brain as a digital recorder. Events take place in our life and our brain allows us to remember these events. This is a very good thing, because it is what has allowed us to evolve to where we are today. If we touch fire, it hurts, we commit that to memory and try to avoid touching fire in the future. The opposite is true, because we used our memory to also store good information. Information such as what foods are good to eat vs What foods may poison or kill us. Anyone who has ever had an allergic reaction to a food they had eaten knows full well the importance of avoiding that food in the future. If we did not have the ability to retain information those individuals would not live very long. Primitive man had a great need for memorization, because their lives depended upon it. The same is true for many other life forms, but the degree to which each species can store information varies. Even cells contain memory in its very basic form. That is how each of us come to have half of the genes from each parent. DNA is passed on from generation to generation and is essentially the way that traits are passed on. This is more of a physical form of memorization with no interpretation. We can store information in our brain to access at a later time, and we are free to manipulate that information any way we seem fit. Early man used to rely solely on survival instinct, but a time came when our consciousness evolved. Instead of only using our memory for nonavoidence or avoidance purposes they began to use the information they accessed from their memory to reason. They began to think outside the box and applied their brain power to solve problems and manipulate the world around them.

They began to shape, rather than live in their environment. This advanced brain power evolved as our brains grew larger and developed more surface area. It is in this advanced state that we have entered a whole new area for human civilization. We are continuously bombarded with information every day and our brains take in, sort, process, forget, store, and manipulate loads of that information. We are now afforded with the free time necessary to use our stored information to think. We think about everything from our life, to other peoples lives, about the shows we watch, the books we read, the list goes on and on. Some of us like to imagine we are in one of those stories we read or a movie we watched. Others like to access that information for inspiration in art, music, writing, and a whole range of other topics. I myself access information I have taken in over my life time to try to formulate hypothesis for how and why things are the way they are. Each one of us has evolved into a human super computer equipped with a brain that processes loads of information each and every second. Many of that brain power is consumed by things we don't even notice. Our hear beats, our lungs take in air, we digest food, our brains do all of this automatically. Its like a program that is constantly running in the background of our lives. Outside of this is information that is stored that we cannot access through recall, but it is there all the same. We may not be able to remember the license place number of every car we saw while we drove around today, but the information is there. If our eyes took in the light then that information is stored in our brain.

Truthfully, our brain contains far more information than our abilities will allow us to access. Someone with a photographic memory does not suffer from this dilemma. They have a perfect recall mechanism that allows them to access information as needed. Whether we have that ability or not, the information is still there. The information we can access we use to remember the past and to plan for the future. This is what has lead us to our perception of time.

It works like this. I want to recall what I did last weekend, because a friend has asked me what I did. I access my memory and I tell them what activities I took part in. I used my brain to access the stored information and to relay to my friend. When we think on the past we are in a sense traveling back in time. The events that occurred last weekend are recalled and relayed. This aspect of memorization is what has lead to what we have come to know as the past. The past is things that have happened prior to this moment. Believe it or not, this past is entirely dependent upon stored information. Regardless of how events actually took place, if that information is changed in any way than that new past is created. This is why they say that, "History is recorded by the winner". Our past is entirely dependent upon how we store information both in our brains and in physical form. If we relay information to some one with one or two false recollections than those false recollections can lead to an entirely different story. A story that may deviate greatly from the events that actually happened. This history then becomes fact or truth, regardless of whether or not that is actually how things happened. What is the past if no one is around to remember that information or if that information is recorded in a book? The answer is, there would be no past beyond the memory of those who are alive today. The point being that our individual past is nothing more than stored information in our brains, and our collective past is nothing more than information contained with in books and on computers. Historians will tell you that this stored information is not concrete. A person needs to only read the same version of a storied history from one generation to the next to see the slight variations on the past that the retelling of information can bring. So this stored information allows our brains to conceive of the past as a thing rather than nothing more than a collection of stored information. We then add a little creativity to the mix and you get H.G. Wells's "The Time Machine". Just because I can envision the earth as being entirely made up of chocolate cake, does not make it so. I can imagine that, but that is now how the earth exists. The same can be said for time travel and traveling into the past. We can imagine it, but that does not make it possible. "Not everything that is imagined is possible, but everything that is possible can be imagined."

This brings us to the future. What is it about our ability to store information that leads to our conception of the future as a thing? The answer is more simple than you could imagine. For example, lets say I eat dinner at the Olive Garden on Saturday, in September of 2007. The food was really good and I plan on eating there again. I store all of this information for future access. Some old friends of mine blow into town and they want to get together with me for some dinner. We have to then decide where to go and when to go. I suggest the olive garden, they agree and we plan on meeting there at 5:00 pm next Saturday evening. How is it that I was able to do this? Well, I stored the information of the restaurant location, hours of operation, what nights are busier than others, and how well I liked the food. If I like the place then I will want to eat there again. The opportunity has come up to go there once again so now we have to make plans. We can decide to go next Saturday, because we know that this day will come. We know this from the stored information of the days of the week. Since Saturdays have occurred in the past, we know they will occur again at regular intervals. We know this, because human beings have devised an event tracking system called time. Events happen continuously and we had to have a way to keep track. Our time is based upon the earths motions around the sun. Years contain months, months contain weeks, weeks contain days, and so on and so forth. We can plan on having dinner there next Saturday, because we know that there will be a next Saturday. The point is that we use stored information coupled with time tracking practices to construct the accepted concept of a "Time line" complete with a past, present, and future. When in reality there is only the present. Only this time, rather than recalling stored information for the purposes of recall, we access past information to help construct a possible future. Most of us do this on a daily basis with out ever realizing it. Each of us construct our future without ever realizing it. We do this by making plans. All of these plans are only possibilities. They only become history if we follow through with those plans. If we plan to do something and then do something else, then the future we envisioned will not become the history we planned on. History is defined by events, which is separate from recorded history, which may or may not record events as they actually occurred.

The key point to remember is the "Time line" that contains a past, present, and future does not exist. The only actual time that exists is "True Time", which only contains events as they happen. Every word I type is being typed in the now. A series of actions unfolding in the present. This is the difference between our conception of time and the physical existence of time.

The Human Super Computer

So how does our brain allow us to make predictions about the future? I believe this occurs very much like a computer forecast. A weather man takes the information available to him/her, inputs that information into a computer, and gets back a forecast of things to come. This is how dejavu works and how some people can make predictions about the future. In a simple case of dejavu a person is exposed to information in their daily lives. Their brain takes in this information and processes it. Whether we know it or not our brain crunches the numbers. Now there is something about the way the human brain works that is unique to some and not to others. Some of us may all have dejavu to some degree, some more than others, and in extreme cases we have the full blown psychics. The psychics represent the individual with a photographic memory, just in a different way. Their brain takes in information and spits it back out in a different way. Rather than taking in the information and relaying it in exactly the same way as it was taken in like a person with a photographic memory would; instead, a psychic takes in information and interprets that information in a different way. They are able to make predictions or "forecasts" based upon that information. They are entirely unaware of much of the information they take in, the importance lies in the way their brain processes and spits out that information. When I have a Dejavu event it is because I am the one most familiar with my life. I have hopes and dreams, things I wish to happen and things I wish not to happen. At the same time I am taking in information in my daily life. All of this goes into the mixing bowl (my brain). When I have a Dejavu event, something happens that allows my brain to take the stored information along with my hopes and dreams, whips it all together and then makes a forecast of the most likely event to take place next in my life. So, when I end up doing that thing, then I experience intense Dejavu. If I do not do that thing then I might never experience that intense feeling of Dejavu. It may be that we all have these forecasts, but if none of them come to pass then we may never recognize or have a Dejavu event. Our brains precess tons of information every day and our dreams are one way that our brain handles that processing. Some have made a science of interpreting dreams, but the reality is that each of us are different and what one thing may mean to one person may mean something completely different to someone else. These are generalizations of course, just as some of us may process that information exactly the same. It is different or the same from person to person. For example, a countries customs and habits may lead them all to share some common elements in their dreams, but those elements may hold different meanings depending upon the person.

I place my Dejavu experiences as in the middle with a touch of psychic abilities. I speak of the occasional intense feelings that the phone is going to ring and it does, or someone is about to pull into the drive way and they do. There may be some external set of events that exists just below the surface of our ability of awareness that leads to our brain alerting us of a possible future event. It could be something about your phone line or about the vehicle your friend drives. Our brain might be able to pick up on external forces that our physical body does not. A sound that may be taken in by our ears that we actually cannot hear. The sound may be familiar to a phone call coming in or a car in the distance. Our brain processes the information and in an instant we may get the feeling that something is about to happen. Keep in mind, this does not always happen the way we think it will. Even weather forecasts are wrong from time to time. Not everything that our brain spits out turns out to be right or true and because it may not be right we may never notice that we had the premonition. What I am saying is that unless the event occurs, triggering the recollection of the forecast we made in our sleep, then Dejavu does not occur and we are unaware of the prediction. The other case is also true for some of us. Some people are so sure that something is about to happen, or should happen, and then it doesn't. I have also had this happen and I hate it. It is a Dejavu that does not come to pass. Every time it happens I get the distinct feeling that I should have turned right instead of left, gone instead of stayed, and so forth. I sometimes get the feeling that I didn't do something that I was supposed to.

Full blown psychic's have a unique ability unique to their brain. Whatever that is you often hear about it being an ability that a family may have a history of. What this tells me is that whatever it is about their brain it can be passed on through genes. They are able to access information in such a way that allows them to make possible predictions about the future. I say possible, because even the most successful psychics are only right a small percentage of the time. Hind site is also 20/20 so we can look back at predictions and apply those predictions to possible past events. We can read a vague line and then attribute it to a specific historical event, thus making a prediction that may have been previously wrong, right. Kind of like how you prove a negative. You can't. I am sure I can write a whole book of predictions purely based upon my creative abilities and then have someone a thousand years from now read those predictions and I bet they will find some accuracies with actual historical events. The reason is that humans are notorious for placing things in some type of order. Especially when we set down and are hoping to find something. The more we hope the more likely we will find what we are looking for even though it may not be there. Like all of those people that find pictures of objects on their burnt toast. Our brain looks for patters. Other psychics use an age old process of using the information at hand unknown to the observer in order to formulate their predictions. In reality the person is providing them with all the information they need to fool the person into believing they have psychic powers. That is fine, my hat goes of to them because some of them have been able to earn a pretty good living with that talent. It is no different than Jason Bay, or Tom Brady being good at what they do. Practice hard enough and you can be a success at just about anything. These are the exceptions that give the real McCoys so much trouble.

Yes, I believe that true psychics exist, just not in the way we think. These true psychics do not access the past and future through some mystical power. Their power lies within their brain and how it processes and interprets information. Case in point, look at psychic detectives. They can be brought into a case and find things that the ordinary law enforcement officer cannot. Just as a forensic specialist or a profiler can take physical information or recorded information to formulate conclusions so to can the psychic. In the case of the forensics technician, they use physical objects available at a crime scene. They use blood and blood spatter, finger prints, hair samples, semen, saliva, bite marks, and so on to help them solve a crime. The profiler relies upon information gathered over the years about serial killers and apply that to current cases to help determine which one of their suspects fit the bill of a serial killer. This is not an exact science, it is a general one. They group serial killers based upon similarities and this allows them to capture those serial killers that fit those profiles. We never know the profiles of the serial killers that do not get caught, because they do not fit the bill of a typical serial killer. Psychics are not always successful either, but they possess a unique gift that can provide a valuable aid to law enforcement. I say aid, because I do not believe we fully understand the realm of psychic abilities to be able to rely solely on a psychic to convict someone. That is dangerous territory and a conviction should only ever be obtained through physical evidence. That is why psychics should only ever be a supplement to a criminal investigation. At least until the day comes when we better understand the science behind the psychic ability.

A true psychic's mind is able to process and then output information in a different way. When a psychic is brought onto a case to try and help locate a body or to find clues they are first familiarized with certain aspects of the case. The things they do know, the psychic is then able to use that information coupled with physical information. As the psychic is driven around by an officer they are taking in information along the way. Who knows what the triggers are, only that they are there and most of us are unable to pick up on them. The psychic can pick up on these triggers and are able to process that information and then formulate a forecast of events. In this case a forecast of the most likely events that occurred in the case. Such as where a body was dumped, or the location of a weapon. The psychic is able to access information and formulate a conclusion that those of us without this ability are unable to do. The world around us is composed of and dictated by energy. There may be some mechanism by which the psychic is able to pick up upon disturbences in their surroundings and thereby direct law enforcement to the right locations or conclusions. In the case of the psychic with the ability to accurately predict the future, this process occurs much the same way that Dejavu does only they are able to process information more effectively. There are a great many number of human beings on this planet, and each of us are equipped with our own brain (supercomputer). In this day and age of technology, we are bombarded with information. Our brains interpret and process this information in a variety of different ways. Some of us, the psychics, are able to take in information that at the time they may have been unaware of and then output a forecast (prediction) about future events. Not all of these forecasts will come true. Take the killing of the legendary John Lennon. A prediction was made that someone of great importance in the musical world was going to have an untimely death. Was this a psychic prediction or a generalization that came true? If Lennon had not been killed than what of the prediction? What if he was not shot until four or five years later? What is the shelf life of a good prediction? Of course the possibility remains that John Lennon may have only been shot because the person that killed him somehow gained knowledge of the prediction. He may have simply heard it subconsciously on the radio while he was asleep or in passing on the street. Regardless of how he came across the prediction, who can tell how his brain processed that information? If he is a troubled individual to start with then he may have taken the problems of his life coupled with the prediction he heard and processed the information through his sick mind. The outcome was an intense need to kill John Lennon, because he was somehow able to rationalize the problems in his life as being somehow the fault of John Lennon. He fixated on him and killed him.

I am not saying that this is how it happened, only that it is possible. There in may lye an unforeseen danger of making future predictions. Someone can take in the information either consciously or unconsciously and then make that prediction reality without ever knowing what had happened. To them they may just feel that they had complete control over the whole situation. They decided to do something and did it, all the while never knowing the true motivation for their actions. A good example of this are subliminal messages. Messages that our brain is exposed to leading to an outcome, that we have no clue we were exposed to in the first place. That is because that information was taken in by the brain unbeknown to the conscious mind. Who knows how many events that have come to pass through the way another persons mind processes a prediction they came in contact with. We are all familiar with the notion of a self fulfilling prophecy. If a person believes in something so strong that a person can manifest physical symptoms and outcomes. I have heard of a tribe that believes so strongly in a socially held belief that it can kill them. They believe that if a person points a sharpened bone at them they will die. Of course they do, because they believe so strongly that it will. I also have heard a story of a man who if he ate a certain type of meat that he would be in serious trouble. In this case he died. A friend fed him some food containing the meat unknown to the person eating it. His friend actually informed him of his deeply held religious beliefs regarding the meant in question and his friend assured him that the meat he was eating was not the meat in question. Some months later the friend offered him some meat that was the forbidden meat of his religion. He said no, he could not eat the meat. His friend then asked him why, because he enjoyed it so thoroughly the last time he ate there. Upon finding out he had eaten the forbidden meat, he fell ill and was dead not long after. A death caused by a very strong belief in certain information stored in his brain. The brain truly is more powerful than we realize, and we have a long way to go before we fully understand the connections between the mind and how it stores and processes information.

A true psychic or someone with psychic abilities is able to make forecasts based upon information that others may not be able to. This ability allows them to make accurate predictions about the future or to make accurate predictions on a series of events that had already occurred.


There is no past and there is no future. The only true time that exists is the present. Events taking place in the now that we measure and quantify through various means. When a person has a Dejavu event they have taken information saved in their mind along with the creative side of their brain and are able to formulate possible future outcomes. When one of these possible future outcomes that they experienced as a dream can occur in the real world. Perhaps it is only a small moment in time, but that moment is enough to bring about the intense feeling of Dejavu. It may be nothing more than our conscious self becoming aware of subconscious information stored in their mind about possible future events. That is because when we dream, we also retain this information as well regardless of our ability to recall them. Since our brain processes information so rapidly we can have hundreds of the same or different variations of a dream. Sometimes these dreams will be forecasts. The forecasts are the human mind processing information.

In the case of a true psychic their mind is capable of allowing them to be aware of their ability so that they can consciously try to use their talent. The lines here are not well defined. Some psychics receive their visions at random times and then they come true. They wake up or have their psychic event, but it is usually not wanted or occurs at a time that they find convenient. They do not have conscious control over how their brain process the information and makes forecasts. At the same time another person can decide when and where to use their abilities. They have control and can focus their talent as they see fit. The mechanisms are the same, its our ability to physically control how the brain does this that is the key. Much the same way that all of us can remember stuff to some degree, but we do not have a photographic memory. Only a small percentage of the population has that ability. The same goes for the psychic ability. Some of us have these abilities to some degree, but only a small percentage can use that gift on a regular basis and even fewer have mastery over it. The psychic ability lies within the human brain. Perhaps one day science will be able to paint us a clearer picture of how this ability works, and how our brains manifest it. Until then.

Dennis James Huff

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