Saturday, November 28, 2009

2012 World Ending Or New Age Beginning?

Much has been said and prophesied about 2012. Whether it be Nostradamus or Mayan calendars, the doom and gloom seems to be increasing more and more with every passing month. Some use the event as a launching pad for commercial benefit such and others refuse to deal with the possibilities completely.

The real question is, is it the end of the world or the beginning of a new age? Some spiritually minded people believe that we have been living in a dark age which has been going on for the past 25,800 years. The Hindu term is the Kali Yuga. It is characteristic of the downward spiral of a society with the degradation of women, ethics, morals, and values being the norm.

(The Kali Yuga is a time of tyranny where monarchs reign over the earth. Their spiritual attainment is limited and they rule by their egos and selfish desires. They inflict pain upon their opponents and the people they rule if they are not obedient and subservient. Dishonesty, greed, and selfishness will be the means for occupation while creating a system of dependence to control the population.)

This sounds a lot like the society we live in today although many people tend to think that what occurs daily is "normal"!

In the bible it states that it is darkest before dawn calling it the dark night of the soul where we feel forsaken by God. I'm sure many God fearing people have felt that for some time but especially in recent years and maybe more so in America than anywhere else.

It's amazing what you can get use to but in our lifetime depending on your age we have seen the following.

* Our federal government bankrupt our country

* The Constitution subverted in the name of security

* The pilfering of taxpayers by major corporations & government

* The fall of religion, values, ethics, and morals in our society

* Decreased quality of life in the economy, education, health care, and the defense of our country.

Many believe that live is evolving nicely with increased technology making our society a real time got to have it now delivery system. But is there spiritual progress associated with this evolution in technology? If morals, ethics, and values are being shoved aside can there be a focus on God and our fellow man? If there is not a focus on God and our connection to the almighty, then what becomes of our soul and its attempt to realize our God identity? If technology continues to outpace spirituality, then at what point do we face a dilemma, a crisis in judgment?

So what is going to happen when that fateful month of December 2012 arrives? Psychics, scientists and even some religions believe there will be a celestial event. Some call it Planet X and others a galactic alignment. So is it the end of planet earth as we know it? Could our lives as we know it and live daily suddenly be in a crisis? Unless you've lived through a hurricane Katrina or some disaster and have been personally affected by it you're likely to never believe it could happen to you. With the state of consciousness in our country today where there is complete dependence on the government to provide, you've never thought of having to make preparations for your own survival. But even the federal government proved with Katrina that it doesn't necessarily have the ability to rescue citizens and provide for them in the aftermath of a disaster. Imagine a crisis on a global scale!

Our planet constantly is presenting us with cataclysmic events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and just all around unpredictable weather. Have we become so complacent with our attention focused on what will entertain us next that we have no sense that our society and our planet are going through a major change we have no control of? We accept that there are threats of war, disease, economic collapse and bad weather but do we ever think of life as we know it changing forever?

Unless there is a concerted effort to educate and inform the people of this planet to the risks that are coming, there will be devastation beyond belief as we progress into the year 2012.

Sheldon's company provides information and products on prophecy, survival preparedness, and home security as well as a community of like minded individual. For more information on the year 2012 and to get your free copy of Home Security Exposed go to

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