Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nothing Like a 2012 Apocalypse!

Is the 2012 Apocalypse likely to happen?

The short answer is NO!

As a scientific and highly technical person, I utilize and rely more on hard data than prophecy. As it stands today, there is no scientific evidence of reality with regards to the prophecies of the end of the world. The only hard evidence that is proven by scientific data and FACT is that a large asteroid or comet, ranging around 6 miles wide had a direct collision with Earth at a speed of greater than 30,000 miles per hour. At that speed, the energy transferred based off the mass of the object would equal to over 100 million times the energy released from the bomb dropped at Hiroshima.

Now, just because I am a scientific person, does not mean that I do not have religious beliefs. Growing up as a Roman Catholic, I was raised on the discipline of the Ten Commandments. To make things more interesting, there were other beliefs and customs within our province in the Philippines that people also adhered to. Seeing many of these as a child, I can see how many people can correlate unexplained events to various prophecies from respected elders, wise men, visionaries, and prophets. These beliefs are reminiscent of olden days when religions were beginning to form, an answer for many unexplained events.

The Mayans, for one, had advance mathematical and architectural skills, but still believed in various gods and also practiced human sacrifice. The Mayans were so skilled in astronomy, that their calendar was built around celestial movement and is extremely accurate, even to today's standards. Many people believe that there will be a huge shift in Earth's events which causes the possible destruction of mankind when the Mayan long count calendar resets back to (every 5126 years). This reset happens to correlate to December 21, 2012, which coincidentally happens to be same time of the galactic alignment where the Sun, Earth, and the center of the galaxy will be perfectly aligned. The 2012 apocalypse is western civilization idea that has gone mainstream and did not originate from the Mayans. Again, no hard evidence of an apocalypse during the last reset, but makes for an interesting story and a good topic for discussion.

Nostradamus was a respected philosopher and prophet. He has been said to have seen the coming of the anti-Christ, the rise and fall of Nazi Germany, both world wars, and predicts the a third world war to end all wars. His also has a prophecy of the coming apocalypse, but does not mention a 2012 apocalypse. Many people continue to relate his prophecy with that of the Mayan reset of the long count calendar. His quatrains have said to have prophesied many of these events, but why are they not discovered until the event has passed? Wouldn't it be a lot more helpful and more credible if we had first hand knowledge of an end of the world event that we are able to avert?

Believe what you would like to believe, that is your God given right. If the future was easy to predict, then we would all be millionaires! A 2012 apocalypse is not likely, but the threat of the end of the world is as real as every day life. Remember that asteroid that I told you about? Statistically, we have a greater chance of a direct impact from a near Earth object than a cataclysmic event from the return of the Four Horsemen. In my humble opinion, there will be no 2012 apocalypse unless an asteroid magically appears out of nowhere for a direct collision with Earth.



Jason is co-owner and contributing author for the following websites:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Julao

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