Sunday, November 8, 2009

Past Life Memories - Can My DREAMS Really Tell The TRUTH About My Past Lives? (Shocking But True)

Have you lived a past life? Do you have vivid dreams, memories and recollections of a life that is NOT the one you are living right now? Don't be alarmed! You are NOT alone. The simple truth is that millions of people have reported past life memories, ranging from very small children to senior citizens and everyone in between.

Did you know, for example, that many therapists and mental health professionals are getting AMAZING results in treating all sorts of traumas by exploring the past life memories of their patients? It's true...and while there are lots of skeptics, the results speak for themselves: People are often healed of a lifetime of problems, simply by regressing themselves back to the "origin" of the issue, which more frequently than not, emanate from a prior life altogether.

Filed Under: Shocking Facts About What you DREAM....and Your Authentic Spiritual Self

Many wisdom traditions believe in what are called subtle energies. Your authentic, energetic self....stripped of the confines and limitations of the physical shell or body. Many people who have near death experiences, for example, will report seeing a "version" of themselves in a past, or future life. A higher self, if you were. Most experiences of a transcendental quality, from "after death communications", to out of body and astral projection experiences, to deep mystical insights, to even run of the mill "ghostly" experiences, all happen MOST frequently in the dream state. (or in the subtle state between waking and dreaming)

This is NO accident...and it's NOT because you're "not" awake

Actually, quite the opposite. When you mind is unencumbered by the physical brain, it has access to all sorts of amazing information that you simply CAN'T touch while awake. The great psychic seer Edgar Cayce called this the "Ashakic Record". Carl Jung, the father of modern psychiatry, called it the "collective unconscious". And new age teachers of today, along with cutting edge and controversial science, are calling it quantum consciousness.

The bottom line is this:

Your subconscious, sleeping mind holds the KEY to just about every problem, and creative solution for your life, right now. That includes the TRUE passion, purpose and PATH of your authentic spiritual self and soul. And we believe, that the journey you are on right now, is only ONE stop. One incarnation amongst many. You HAVE lived before, and you will live again. And what you dream, when your mind is asleep.....holds the key to revealing the REAL truth about who you are, where you've been....and where you're going to boot!

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