Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Lost Book of Nostradamus, and Our 2012 Cosmic Alignment

A recent lost book written and illustrated by the fabled author and alchemist Nostradamus has recently resurfaced after almost four hundred years. What does this new discovery tell us about 2012, and ancient predictions of the effects of the 26.000 year cosmic alignment on December 21st, 2012.

The most startling and mysterious part of the "Lost book of Nostradamus" are forty illustrations that use ancient symbols like the book of life, the wheel of life, and other known symbols to predict what many religious books call the "end days."

One illustration is the most troubling when decoded, as it contains an empty wheel of life, broken in a year of three solar eclipses, and an empty page in the book of life. This illustration some decoders say this points to the year 2012.

Astronomers, Cosmologists and Scientists all agree that 2012 is a very unusual year, not only because of the 26.000 year cosmic alignment, but 2012 is also a year of three rare solar eclipses. One reason many believers in Nostradamus state that he is pointing to this year, as the "end of days."

The wheel of life in this illustration also is without spokes, signifying the end of a continuing turning life cycle. This itself is scary enough for anyone who can see the hidden code inside this illustration, realizing that this does signify the end of time for humanity.

In the bottom right hand corner of the illustration are what some experts say are only "two fates." In Greek mythology, there are three fates, Clotho, who spins the thread of life, Lachesis, who allots the length of the yarn, and Antropos who cuts the final spun fabric.

In Greek and also ancient Roman mythology, the "Three Fates," symbolize all the good and evil that's woven in our destinies, which symbolizes our life cycle. In this last illustration, Clotho is missing; and obviously no more thread of life can be woven without her.

This final illustration also contains the very ancient belief that all we do is written in a book of life, as human history continues to be recorded, through the wheel of life. But the blank pages shown by a wise scribe show that no more is written, or recorded at the time of the three eclipses.

Skeptics have always claimed anything could be seen in Nostradamus's famous quantums, who some say predicted the French Revolution, the Second World War and the September 11th, attack on the world trade center. This draws a sharp dividing line between his believers, and detractors, which determines whether you believer or not.

If the year of the three eclipses is 2012, and the end of the book of life, and our thread of life woven by Clotho disappears, then Nostradamus in the pages of his lost book has forewarned us, as have the ancient Maya, when their Calendar ends on December 21st, 2012.

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