Sunday, May 9, 2010

Psychoterrestrial Hypothesis - The Trickster and the Web of Deception

If you are sensitive you can perhaps feel the sticky, dark layer of reality today. The body moves and responds to your thoughts but the thoughts are governed by something intangible and looming large just out of site in the periphery. It's the Unknowable and in the Reptilian Mind of the Human Collective Subconscious Mind, it is a thing to fear. It is gripping, sticky and relentless. The more you struggle in your fear, the tighter the web entangles you and before long you are paralyzed by it and held still and motionless in abject horror. Images fill in the blanks of our psyche and all too often, they are wretched and horrific. Your dreams of saliva soaked ethereal fangs ripping your soul from its rightful place and home haunt you and terrorize you... but it's really not that bad!

In this, my seventh essay based on the Psychoterrestrial Hypothesis, I will address, by example of the current chaos of the paranormal field of study, how we have possibly and simply ensnared ourselves and are collectively caught in a web of our own making.

As of late, I have written an article or two addressing the terrible state of Ufology and its now obvious downward spiral into seemingly unrecoverable oblivion. I feel that at least two key elements are at work here. The ego and the Reptilian Brain or Primal Mind. The survival one that fears everything.

All of those fear-based archetypal images that I have brought attention to that lie embedded and imprinted on our collective psyche are still very much a tour de force in our day to day mental ramblings. This is not unusual as it seems to have always been so. There does however, seem to be an underlying intensity that is bringing them to the fore in a more focused way or perhaps just a bigger proliferation of more of the same. Either way, the word more is relevant. It is as if something is pulling out into the open all of our collective greatest fears and forcing us to look at them closely or at least closer. Are we listening? Are we paying attention?

The monsters have changed though, They have become sociological in nature and pathology. They blast away at and attack the feared aspects of others strange and unfamiliar societal aspects. The Unknowable taunts us so. When will we learn that the Unknowable is us? We cannot be known. Why? Because we ARE. What IS needs no knowledge to Be.

As a result of this mass negative archetypal review, it is apparent we are not getting it collectively. We are more fearful. More detached. More paranoid and everyone and everything is suspect but no one it seems is brave enough to look in the mirror. Instead, in the field of Ufology for instance, there is attacking, slandering, libeling, rampant litigiousness and polarization. Each one of these, and I assure you these are but a scant few of the almost uncountable number of symptoms, is a sticky thread in a vast web of ignorance being woven by ourselves unbeknownst to ourselves. Further still, I think this is symptomatic of something even more significant and non-negative in nature. An answer. We have been asking and searching and perhaps we are being answered. The answer? No it's not 42. The answer is perhaps a very resounding "nothing to see here, move along." That's it. No big whoop.

I think this is just another case of us creating our reality as we go pure and simple. Dang that Trickster! It looks convoluted and complex because the ego likes to think of itself in those terms. But it ain't. It's simple.

I think that we have to recondition ourselves collectively, to start looking within every time we experience something perceived as significant without. Stop the fighting. Stop the intellectual one upsmanship. Stop the mental masturbation. It doesn't feel good anymore. It hurts.

I think eventually we are going to figure out that all of our perceived reality is a lie at which point it can then become fun because we know it can no longer hurt us or portray that it has the ability to hurt us. It isn't there. But in the meantime, we are going to kick, fight and struggle and pretend that it is all other until we are bored of it. Ha! That's the answer! "I'm bored..."

This is what has happened to Ufology and what I predict will happen to the entire realm of Paranormal Study



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I am a product of my Desert Southwest up-bringing. By that I mean that I enjoy large, quiet spaces to reflect and observe. I am an Artist, Musician, Composer, Zen practitioner, Paranormal Researcher/Investigator, Philosopher and Reiki Master. I love to draw and paint, take long walks, meditate and eat cookies and read while taking long, hot soaks in the tub. I am also a happily married father of two teenaged girls and I have belonged to the most tolerant woman on the planet for nearly two decades and still going.

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